
A tool for programmatically manipulating Vue single-file components

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vue Ast Editor

A tool for programmatically manipulating Vue single-file components.


import VueAstEditor from 'vue-ast-editor';

const ast = new VueAstEditor(src);
await ast.ready();

// imports the component and adds it to the component option,
// initializing the option if necessary
// initializes the data option or adds to it
ast.addData('foo', '"this string will be parsed into a JS value"');
// automatically restructures between array and object syntax
ast.updateProp('myProp', { type: 'String', required: 'false', default: '"default value"' });
// updates references in the component definition, HTML attributes, and HTML template expressions
// renaming is implemented heuristically and not promised to be 100% accurate
ast.renameMethod('myMethod', 'newName');




  • ready()
    • returns a promise that resolves when parsing is done
  • toString()
    • prints the source code of the component
    • options unconfigurable and set to personal preferences; recommend piping the output through a formatter
  • filterHAST(filter)
    • a convenience wrapper around posthtml.tree.match
  • findOption(name)
    • returns a jscodeshift collection
  • renameAttribute(name, newName)
    • called internally by the various renaming methods

Option management

  • importComponent(path: string)
    • path expects a file type ending
  • deportComponent(name)
    • note the difference in API. To import a component, we need its path, but to deport it, we need only to know its name; e.g., "@/components/MyBtn.vue" vs. "MyBtn"
  • components()
    • returns an object of { [component_name]: true }
  • addProp(name)
  • renameProp(name, newName)
  • updateProp(name, attrs)
    • where attrs is an object of { [attr_name]: string | null }
    • string will be parsed, null removes the attribute
  • removeProp(name)
  • props()
    • returns an object of { [prop_name]: [ast_node] }
  • addData(name, val: string) // string will be parsed
  • renameData(name, newName)
  • setData(name, newVal: string) // string will be parsed
  • data()
    • returns an object of { [data_name]: [ast_node] }
  • addWatcher(name, node=null)
    • the optional second argument is for refactoring purposes
  • renameWatcher(name, newName)
  • updateWatcher(name, attrs)
    • where attrs is an object of { [deep | immediate]: true | null }
  • removeWatcher(name)
  • watchers()
    • returns an object of { [watcher_name]: [ast_node] }
  • addComputed(name, node=null)
    • optional second argument is for refactoring purposes
  • renameComputed(name, newName)
  • addComputerSetter(name)
  • removeComputedSetter(name)
  • removeComputed(name)
  • computed()
    • returns an object of { [computed_name]: [ast_node] }
  • addMethod(name, node=null)
    • optional second argument is for refactoring purposes
  • renameMethod(name, newName)
  • removeMethod(name)
  • methods()
    • returns an object of { [method_name]: [ast_node] }
  • addHook(name)
  • removeHook(name)

Refactoring (experimental!)

  • async refactorIntoComponent(htmlNode, cmpPath, attrs=[])
    • pushes the given HTML node into a new component
    • attrs is a list of HTML attributes that you want moved into the new component. attrs not in the list will remain in the source component.
  • pushAboveSlot(htmlNode, cmp)
    • given a node in a slot
  • pushBelowSlot(htmlNode, cmp)
  • pushAroundSlot(htmlNode, cmp)
  • pushIntoSlot(htmlNode, cmp)
  • pushIntoNewSlot(htmlNode, slotName, hostCmp)
  • pushComponent(componentName, cmp)
  • pushData(dataName | array of names, cmp)
  • pushComputed(computedName | array of names, cmp)
  • pushWatcher(watcherName | array of names, cmp)
  • pushMethod(methodName | array of name, cmp)

Lower-level utilities used in refactoring

  • findContainingSlot(htmlNode)
  • findParentComponent(htmlNode)
  • findHostSlot(htmlNode, hostCmp)
  • removeNode(htmlNode)
  • copyNode(htmlNode)
  • replaceNode(target, replacement)
  • insertBefore(newNode, target)
  • insertAfter(newNode, target)
  • append(node, parent)