
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Presentation Card

This repository contains the source code of the presentation card.

The backend

The backend is a simple node fastify with prisma running sqlite to show presentation:

clone the repository enter backend folder then

  • rename the file .env.example to .env
  • run yarn install
  • run yarn prisma migrate deploy
  • run yarn dev

then you good to go to frontend

API Routes

GET /api/user/:id Returns data from a user
GET /api/card/generate Create a new user in database


The frontend is NextJS and Typescript.


clone the repository enter backend folder then

clone the repository then

  • run yarn install

  • run yarn dev

  • make sure the backend are running

access the your browser and type http://localhost:3000

Test pages http://localhost:3000/generate

  • page to create new qrcode


  • example page thats show qrcode created


  • page that show presentation card from qrcode scan

Generate page Presentation page
QRCode page