
Decentralised marketplace running on Ethereum blockchain

Primary LanguageTypeScript


What is DecentraMart?

DecentraMart is a decentralised marketplace built to utilise the Ethereum blockchain as part of a developer program. This being the case, and due to my other commitments, the UI is unrefined and functionality has been adjusted with the main focus being on delivery of a usable smart contract system and the appropriate tests and documentation.

In this application there is an Admin panel (DmartAdmin.sol) which manages the user roles (admins and store owners), providing access control across the whole system. This contract, along with the other core contracts, are owned by the creator. If you are a store owner then you can interact with the DMartStoreManagement.sol contract in order to create a store via the DMartStoreFactory.sol which creates a Proxy using Proxy.sol pointing to our master copy of DMartStore.sol. Having a proxy factory set up like this allows us to create versions of DMartStore.sol on the fly, for cheap, removing a lot of overhead and allowing store owners to own and manage multiple stores easily without causing conflicts!

Shoppers in DecentraMart can interact with the individual DMartStore's which contain stock lists updated by the owners.

Compile and deploy contracts

  • npm run install:tr -> Install all node and EthPM dependencies
  • in separate shell: ganache-cli -p 8545 -> Run ganache instance on port 8545
  • truffle compile
  • truffle migrate --network ganache


  • npm run install:tr -> Install all node and EthPM dependencies
  • in separate shell: ganache-cli -p 8545 -> Run ganache instance on port 8545
  • truffle compile
  • truffle test

Run local dev server

  • cd interface
  • npm install
  • Use default settings (Rinkeby) or change environment.ts to your chosen network & update contract addresses..
  • npm start
  • visit http://localhost:4200

Install bugs

  • If you are getting some errors you are probably using the wrong version of npm (should be >= 6.4)

Interacting with application

  • Load up the app as in run local dev server above (I recommend you stick with the default environment on Rinkeby)
  • To connect to Web3, your MetaMask must be connected to the correct network (as in the one in environment.ts... Rinkeby)
  • When you go to http://localhost:4200 you should see the front of the marketplace:


Displaying your current metamask account

  • If your metamask is connected to the right network, you will see your address in the top right, next to your blockie
  • This adddress will update if you change your metamask account, or will show an error if you are not connected Address

Sign transactions using metamask

  • Try to purchase a product from the store.. follow these steps:
  1. Visit my store :) Step one
  2. Select a product to buy and hit 'BUY PRODUCT' Step two
  3. Sign the metamask transaction that appears! Step three
  4. If you done it right, your transaction should now be 'submitted' - congrats! Step four

Seeing reflections to the contract state

  • After you purchase a product you will get visual feedback to tell you that the transaction is processing (see image above)
  • When your transaction is processed, the stock of the product will update to reflect the new contract state Purchase success