
ERC20 token to be deployed on Ethereum Ropsten

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OasisCredit ERC20 Token contract

Tech stack

To get up and running

  • run npm install to add node modules
  • create a .env file on root folder
    • create Eth address for owner of contract
    • add 'ROPSTEN_PRIVATE_KEY = "xxx"' : xxx = private key for address on ropsten network
    • add 'MAINNET_PRIVATE_KEY = "xxx"' : xxx = private key for address on mainnet
  • run truffle compile to build project
  • run truffle deploy --network ropsten --reset (re deploys contract)
  • Grab the OasisCredit contract address from the output and search on http://ropsten.etherscan.io/token-search to find the contract details
    • Use this address to add custom tokens to MyCrypto, MetaMask, etc and transfer tokens

To publicise smart contract code

  • Navigate to the 'Read Smart Contract' tab on the ropsten.etherscan.io/token/[tokenAddr]
  • Select Verify Smart Contract
  • Flatten contract code (OasisCredit.sol file) into one file (no using/import/inheritance)
  • Input Contract Address, Name, set Optimization = 'No'
  • Enter the solidity contract code
  • Verify and publish
  • Voila! The contract information is now visible