Install initial adminos-structured files with
$ rails g adminos:install
To add locales to installation:
$ rails g adminos:install --locales=en,cn
Russian language is added and made the default one by default.
Generate adminos model with
$ rails g adminos Model field:string body:text --type=sortable
Name, slug, published, meta_description and meta_title fields are always added.
Available model types are: default(if no type is present), section, sortable and table.
For section type, in you model must defined MAX_DEPTH constant (3 by default).
Add sorting to field:
$ rails g adminos Model field:string:sort --type=table
Type table is required for sorting to function properly. Sorting by name is added by default.
Add search form:
$ rails g adminos Model body:text --search=name,body
Specify the fields to search in. It is performed using pg_search gem and directed towards quick word-based search solution, but can be customized further.
If the model will be in multiple locales, you can specify which fields to translate:
$ rails g adminos Model field:string:locale body:text:locale
To translate default fields in case no locale specific custom fields are present, add --locale option:
$ rails g adminos Model --locale
If no need in SEO fields, switch it off using --no-seo
$ rails g adminos Model --no-seo
By default, search is enabled only on user models.
To add a search, run the following generator.
rails generate adminos:search ModelName
You can use search engines such as ElasticSearch or PgSearch. By default, PgSearch is used if you did not specify the --search = elastic flag when installing adminos.
class User < ApplicationRecord
include Adminos::Cropped
has_one_attached :avatar
has_one_attached :photo
cropped :avatar, version: :default, coord_attribute: :avatar_coord
cropped :avatar, version: :mobile, coord_attribute: :avatar_mobile_coord
# default versions name is :default
# default coord_attribute attribute name is has_one_attached attribute + '_coord'
cropped :photo
# admin
# aspect_ratio default 16/9
= f.input :avatar, as: :cropp, input_html: { coord_attribute: :avatar_coord, version: :default, aspect_ratio: 16/9 }
= f.input :avatar, as: :cropp, input_html: { coord_attribute: :avatar_mobile_coord, version: :mobile, aspect_ratio: 2/3 }
= f.input :photo, as: :cropp
# public
= image_tag object.avatar_cropped
= image_tag object.photo_cropped
$ cap staging deploy:check
$ cap staging deploy
$ rspec