
Find out how Happy Twitter users about anything you can search for!

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Happyiness check of Twitter users Prototype product.

Getting started:

Setup your python3 environment

  • install Tweepy: pip install tweepy

  • install Google Cloud: cloud sdk (optional) and pip install --upgrade google-cloud-language

  • Clone the repository on to your local drive

  • Place your two test key files (emailed separately) into the 'TwHappy/res' folder

  • Update the PATH constant in sentiment.py to match your setup

Command line execution: python3 twhappy.py 'your search term'

Jypiter Notebook execution (Juypter notebook: instructions): Open notebook, update search term under the putting it together section Kernel | Restart & Run All

Alison Kline 2021