
Component Library | Tailwind | React

Primary LanguageJavaScript


To use these components, you need React Js or Next Js configured with Tailwind CSS atleast. Some components also use Framer Motion. The dependencies of each Component is listed in their own sections. You can opt to use them after you install those dependencies.


Tech Dependencies:

  1. Tailwind
  2. React

Component Dependencies: None

Props for the Button Component

  1. className - optional. String value passed as className prop will be added to the inner button tag.
  2. onClick To pass the function associated with the button.
  3. children The children component or markup or text to be displayed as the button text.
    className = "bg-red-500
    onClick= {()=>{console.log("hello world!")}}
Say Hello


Tech Dependencies:

  1. Tailwind

  2. React

    Component Dependencies:

  3. Button Modal imports Button Component. Keep the Button component in the same directory as the Modal.

Props for the Modal Component

  1. className - optional. To customize the Modal's inner layout. By default the modal is flexbox and it aligns and justifies the children to center.
  2. show and setShow Required. State variable and state handler to control the Modal's visibility. show should be null initially. setShow should set the show state to false or true based on whether you want to close or open the modal respectively.
const [show, setShow] = useState(null);
  1. btns - optional. An array of objects. Each object should have three properties: text, action, close.

  2. children. Pass in components or markup as the body of the modal.

  • text: defines the text value displayed in the button tag.

  • action: Function defining the event or action to perform on button click.

  • close: Boolean value to define whether the button will close the modal on click or not.

const btns = [
        text: 'Hello',
        action: ()=>{console.log('hello')},
        close: true,
        text: 'Hello',
        action: ()=>{console.log('hello')},
        close: true,

By default, you have a button for closing the modal. The objects in the above array will create two more buttons in the footer of the modal.