
Fast meteor detection toolbox

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Fast Meteor Detection Toolbox

Documentation Build Status


Fast Meteor Detection Toolbox or FMDT is a toolbox designed to detect meteors. FMDT is foreseen to be applied to airborne camera systems, e.g. in atmospheric balloons or aircraft. It is robust to camera movements by a motion compensation algorithm.

FMDT is ready for real-time processing on small boards like Raspberry Pi 4 or Nvidia Jetson Nano for embedded systems. For instance, on the Raspberry Pi 4 (@ 1.5 GHz), FMDT is able to compute 30 frames per second on a HD video sequence while the instant power is only around 4 Watts.

Image showing an example of meteors detection with FMDT.


This project uses ffmpeg-io, nrc2, c-vector and streampu projects as Git submodules, you need to download them with the following command:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Note that ffmpeg-io requires the ffmpeg executable: you need to install ffmpeg on your system if you want to be able to read video files. In addition, if you want to enable text indications in generated videos/images, the OpenCV library is required.

On Debian like systems you can easily install these packages with the apt package manager:

sudo apt install ffmpeg libopencv-dev

Compilation with CMake

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DFMDT_OPENCV_LINK=ON -DFMDT_SPU_RUNTIME=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO="-O3 -g" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO="-O3 -g" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wall -funroll-loops -fstrict-aliasing -march=native" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-funroll-loops -fstrict-aliasing -march=native"
make -j4

Examples of Use

Download a video sequence containing meteors here: https://perso.lip6.fr/adrien.cassagne/data/tauh/in/2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.mp4.

Meteors Detection

Run the meteors detection on the previous video sequence:

./bin/fmdt-detect --vid-in-path ./2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.mp4

Write tracks and bounding boxes into text files for visualization (fmdt-visu):

./bin/fmdt-detect --vid-in-path ./2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.mp4 --log-path ./detect_log --trk-roi-path ./tracks_2_rois.txt
./bin/fmdt-log-parser --log-path ./detect_log --trk-roi-path ./tracks_2_rois.txt --trk-path ./out_detect_tracks.txt --trk-bb-path ./out_detect_bb.txt


Run the visualization tool to output a video sequence with highlighted detection:

./bin/fmdt-visu --vid-in-path ./2022_05_31_tauh_34_meteors.mp4 --trk-path ./out_detect_tracks.txt --trk-bb-path ./out_detect_bb.txt --vid-out-path out_visu.mp4

User and Developer Documentation

The documentation of this project is hosted by Read the Docs:

To compile the documentation from the sources, refer to the readme file in the ./doc/ folder.

Derivative Projects


pyFMDT has been created to exploit the results provided by FMDT. It performs astrophotometry computations and outputs the position and magnitude of each detected meteor as a function of time.

If you are interested, please visit the following repository:

List of Contributors

This toolbox is mainly developed by the LIP6 laboratory (ALSOC team) of Sorbonne University in Paris. Some parts are also developed by the IMCCE institute (l'Observatoire de Paris). Any external contributions are more than welcome.

Active contributors:

Former contributors:

  • Florian LEMAÎTRE, PhD
  • Arthur HENNEQUIN, PhD
  • Clara CIOCAN, Master student
  • Mathuran KANDEEPAN, Master student