Software Renderer written in Rust
Up to this point almost everything was based on the amazing articles "Computer Graphics from Scratch" by Gabriel Gambetta (which recently became a full fledged book but still accessble online here Very recommended for the complete beginners in computer graphics (like myself).
What's new:
Phong Shading model
Gouraud Shading model
Point lights and specular component
First attempt at shading (flat, ambient + diffuse only)
DepthBuffer implementation
Split triangles when clipping
Clipping by whole polygon
Rasterization: model, instances and transforms
Ray tracing: reflections
Ray tracing: shadows
Ray tracing: add specular component
Ray tracing: "bumpy" spheres and point light
Ray tracing with shading (ambient + diffuse)
Basic ray tracing (no shading)
Read models from PLY2 format
Rotated cube (parametrized model)
Face visibility detection
Wirefame cube