
Learning Kafka basics, streams, connect

Primary LanguageJava

Enrichment of Events is achieved by using JOINS!

// we get a global table out of Kafka. This table will be replicated on each Kafka Streams application
// the key of our globalKTable is the user ID
GlobalKTable<String, String> usersGlobalTable = builder.globalTable("user-table");

// we get a stream of user purchases
KStream<String, String> userPurchases = builder.stream("user-purchases");

// we want to enrich that stream
KStream<String, String> userPurchasesEnrichedJoin =
(key, value) -> key, /* map from the (key, value) of this stream to the key of the GlobalKTable */
    (userPurchase, userInfo) -> "Purchase=" + userPurchase + ",UserInfo=[" + userInfo + "]"


// we want to enrich that stream using a Left Join
KStream<String, String> userPurchasesEnrichedLeftJoin =
(key, value) -> key, /* map from the (key, value) of this stream to the key of the GlobalKTable */
(userPurchase, userInfo) -> {
// as this is a left join, userInfo can be null
    if (userInfo != null) {
        return "Purchase=" + userPurchase + ",UserInfo=[" + userInfo + "]";
    } else {
        return "Purchase=" + userPurchase + ",UserInfo=null";


To count items grouped by key:

  1. use aggregation functions on stream - save result to other topic
KStream<String, JsonNode> bankTransactions =
builder.stream(Serdes.String(), jsonSerde, "bank-transactions");

KTable<String, JsonNode> bankBalance = bankTransactions
    .groupByKey(Serdes.String(), jsonSerde)
        (aggKey, newValue, aggValue) -> newBalance(newValue, aggValue),

bankBalance.to(Serdes.String(), jsonSerde, "bank-balance-exactly-once");
  1. save data into intermediate-topic, read as KTable, aggregate - save result to other topic
// step 1 - process data save as user id as key, colour as value

// step 2 - we read that topic as a KTable so that updates are read correctly
KTable<String, String> usersAndColoursTable = builder.table("user-keys-and-colours");

// step 3 - we count the occurrences of colours
KTable<String, Long> favouriteColours = usersAndColoursTable
        // 4 - we group by colour within the KTable
        .groupBy((user, colour) -> new KeyValue<>(colour, colour))

// 5 - we output the results to a Kafka Topic - don't forget the serializers
favouriteColours.to(Serdes.String(), Serdes.Long(),"favourite-colour-output");

Simulating data

Using Google RateLimiter

private static RateLimiter limiter = RateLimiter.create(MESSAGES_PER_SECOND);

method() {

Useful Kafka Code

private static void logKafkaRecord(final RecordMetadata metadata, final Exception exception) {
    if (Objects.isNull(exception)) {
        log.info("Received new metadata \n" +
            "Topic: " + metadata.topic() + "\n" +
            "Partition: " + metadata.partition() + "\n" +
            "Offset: " + metadata.offset() + "\n" +
            "Timestamp: " + metadata.timestamp()
    } else {
        log.error("Error while producing", exception);

private static void setupGracefulShutDown(final KafkaProducer producer) {
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(producer::close));