Various lists to be used with an IP blocker.
Most of these come from several HoneyPots (Cowrie). The logs are uploaded to a main system, examined, and then automatically uploaded every hourly. The repo is compressed every 25 commits, to reduce the size. Diff, pull requests, etc. get cleared.
Project was made public: 5/13/2021.
Brute Foce
Extreme 80+ connects
High 20+ connects, but less than 80
Medium 5+ connects, but less than 20
Low Less than 5 connects
Browser Browser Hijackers, Malvertising, Fake Alerts, etc
Hosting IPs used to download malware after system takeover
Hackers Executed commands on my honeypot, after a successful connection
Ads Used to show you advertisements
DNS Common DNS resolvers
Mine Other IPs I block
Scanners Scans your IP for open ports / vulnerabilities
Trackers Used to track what you do
Tunnel Proxies, and VPNs