
Detects if currently viewed online documentation page is the most recent version available, and if not, redirects user to the latest version

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Redirect to up to date documentation Build status for branch dev

Detects if currently viewed online documentation page is the most recent version available, and if not, redirects user to the latest version.

Use case

You wanted to search for documentation for AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean on the internet. Sadly, top search result is the link to documentation page generated from ancient version of Spring Framework. This script detects this and redirects you to documentation page from most recent stable release.


First ensure you have appropriate add-on installed in your browser:

Next download redirectToUpToDateDocumentation.user.js and confirm installation message.

Currently supported documentation

  • Java SE
  • Java EE
  • Jetty
  • PostgreSQL
  • Play Framework (Java and Scala documentation)
  • Spring Data
  • Spring Framework
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Social