
Full-featured shell script interface based on expect and gatttool for Mipow Playbulb BTL201 (and maybe others)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Full-featured shell script interface based on expect and gatttool for Mipow Playbulb BTL201 (and maybe others)

This script allows to control the bluetooth bulb BTL201 with the Raspberry Pi's Raspian and other Linux distributions.

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 
Usage: <mac/alias> <command> <parameters...>
                                   <mac>: bluetooth mac address of bulb
                                   <alias>: you can use alias instead of mac address 
                                            after you have run setup (see setup) 
                                   <command>: For command and parameters

Basic commands:

 on                              - turn on light (white)
 off                             - turn off light
 toggle                          - turn off / on (remembers color!)
 color <white> <red> <green> <blue> 
                                 - set color, each value 0 - 255
 up                              - turn up light
 down                            - dim light

Build-in effects:

 pulse <hold> <white> <red> <green> <blue> 
                                 - run build-in pulse effect 
                                   <hold>: 0 - 255ms per step 
                                   color values: 0=off, 1=on

 blink <hold> <white> <red> <green> <blue> 
                                 - run build-in blink effect 
                                   <hold>: 0 - 255ms per step 
                                   color values: 0 - 255

 rainbow <hold>                  - run build-in rainbow effect 
                                   <hold>: 0 - 255ms per step

 disco <hold>                    - run build-in disco effect 
                                   <hold>: 0 - 255 in 1/100s

 hold <hold>                     - change hold value of current effect

 halt                            - halt build-in effect, keeps color

Soft-effects which stay connected and run long:

 animate <hold> <white> <red> <green> <blue> 
                                 - change color smoothly based 
                                   <hold>: 0 - 255ms 
                                   color-values: 0 - 255

 triangle <hold> <delay> <max>   - change colors 
                                   <hold> in ms 
                                   <delay> in ms 
                                           0 means no animation 
                                           < 0 means dark pause

 stop                            - stop soft-effect

Timer commands:

 timer <timer> <start> <minutes> [<white> <red> <green> <blue>]
                                 - schedules timer 
                                   <timer>: No. of timer 1 - 4 
                                   <start>: starting time 
                                            (hh:mm or in minutes) 
                                   <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                   color values: 0 - 255 
 timer <timer> off               - deactivates single timer 
                                   <timer>: No. of timer 1 - 4 
 timer off                       - deactivates all timers

 fade <minutes> <white> <red> <green> <blue> 
                                 - change color smoothly 
                                   <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                   color values: 0 - 255

 ambient <minutes> [<start>]     - schedules ambient program 
                                   <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                              best in steps of 15m 
                                   <start>: starting time (optional)
                                            (hh:mm or in minutes)

 wakeup <minutes> [<start>]      - schedules wake-up program 
                                   <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                              best in steps of 15m 
                                   <start>: starting time (optional)
                                            (hh:mm or in minutes)

 doze <minutes> [<start>]        - schedules doze program 
                                   <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                              best in steps of 15m 
                                   <start>: starting time (optional)
                                            (hh:mm or in minutes)

 bgr <minutes> [<start>] [<brightness>] 
                                 - schedules blue-green-red program 
                                   <minutes>: runtime in minutes 
                                              best in steps of 4m, up to 1020m
                                   <start>: starting time (optional)
                                            (hh:mm or in minutes)
                                   <brightness>: 0 - 255 (default: 255)

 random <start> <stop> <min> <max> [<white> <red> <green> <blue>]
                                 - schedules random mode
                                   <start>: start time 
                                            (hh:mm or in minutes) 
                                   <stop>: stop time 
                                           (hh:mm or in minutes) 
                                   <min>: min runtime in minutes 
                                   <max>: max runtime in minutes 
                                   color values: 0 - 255 

 random off                      - stop random mode

Other commands:

 setup                           - setup bulb for this program
 name <name>                     - give bulb a new displayname / alias
 status                          - print full state of bulb
 reset                           - perform factory reset

Initial setup

  1. Check pre-conditions

Install expect:

$ sudo apt install expect

Check if gatttool is available:

$ gatttool
  gatttool [OPTION...]

  1. Find out the MAC address of your bulb
$ sudo hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
38:01:95:84:A8:B1 (unknown)
AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 (unknown)
  1. Run setup command

By running the setup command, two things will be done:

a. There is a new file in your home folder called ~/.known_bulbs. This file contains a mapping of MAC addresses and names.

b. There is a new file in your /tmp folder, e.g. /tmp/bulb-AF-66-4B-0D-AC-E6.hnd. It is a description of the characteristics and handles that your bulb provide. See API for more details.

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 setup

Setup for bulb started ...

Step 1: Read characteristics from bulb AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 ...
> characteristics saved in /tmp/bulb-AF-66-4B-0D-AC-E6.hnd

Step 2: Read bulb name ...
> bulb name is "MIPOW SMART BULB"
> bulb name stored in ~/.known_bulbs for usage with aliases.

Setup completed!

Usage with MAC address:
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 status

Usage with alias:
$ ./mipow.exp "MIPOW SMART BULB" status

Have fun with your bulb!

You can double-check both files as follows:

$ cat ~/.known_bulbs 
$ cat /tmp/bulb-AF-66-4B-0D-AC-E6.hnd 
handle = 0x0002, char properties = 0x0a, char value handle = 0x0003, uuid = 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  1. Give bulb a new name

In order to be able to distinguish multiple bulbs you should rename your bulb.

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 name Livingroom
  1. Check status of bulb
$ ./mipow.exp Liv status

Device mac:                 AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6
Device name (0021):         Livingroom
Device vendor (0030):       Mipow Limited
Device id (0028):           BTL201
Device version (002c):      BTL201_v2
Device software (002e):     Application version
Device CPU (002a):          CSR101x A05

Current color (001b):       00000000
White / Red / Green / Blue: off

Current effect (0019):      006bff00ff00ffff
Effect:                     halt (ff)
Effect color:               WRGB(0,107,255,0)
Effect time (raw):          255
Effect time (approx.):      n/a

Timer Settings (001f):      04ffff04ffff04ffff04ffff160e
Timer Effect (0013):        0000000000000000000000ff2f00700000000008

Time:                       22:14

Timer 1:                    04ffff
Timer 1 effect:             0000000000
Timer 1 type:               off (04)
Timer 1 time:               n/a
Timer 1 color:              off
Timer 1 time (minutes):     0

Timer 2:                    04ffff
Timer 2 effect:             0000000000
Timer 2 type:               off (04)
Timer 2 time:               n/a
Timer 2 color:              off
Timer 2 time (minutes):     0

Timer 3:                    04ffff
Timer 3 effect:             00ff2f0070
Timer 3 type:               off (04)
Timer 3 time:               n/a
Timer 3 color:              WRGB(0,255,47,0)
Timer 3 time (minutes):     112

Timer 4:                    04ffff
Timer 4 effect:             0000000008
Timer 4 type:               off (04)
Timer 4 time:               n/a
Timer 4 color:              off
Timer 4 time (minutes):     8

Randommode (0015):          020e16ffffffff000000000000
Randommode status:          off

Note: You can use just a part of the name, here only "Liv", instead of MAC address or the full given name.

  1. If something wents wrong

If something wents wrong, you maybe want to cleanup some files:

$ rm ~/.known_bulbs
$ rm /tmp/bulb-*
  1. Try GUI for bulb

I have also added a simple GUI.

The more parameters you pass, the less dialogs will appear ;-)

$ ./bulb.sh Liv color

$ ./bulb.sh Liv

$ ./bulb.sh

Note This GUI requires zenity. You can install it as follows:

$ sudo apt install zenity


Ask for help

$ ./mipow.exp help


$ ./mipow.exp Liv color
Usage: <mac/alias> <command> <parameters...>
                                   <mac>: bluetooth mac address of bulb
                                   <alias>: you can use alias instead of mac address 
                                            after you have run setup (see setup) 
                                   <command>: For command and parameters
 color <white> <red> <green> <blue> 
                                 - set color, each value 0 - 255

Set color

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 color 0 255 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 toggle
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 toggle
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 off
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 on
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 down
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 up

Build-in effects

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 pulse 10 0 0 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 blink 20 20 0 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 rainbow 20
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 disco 30
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 hold 100

Software controlled animations (long running, stay connected)

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 animate  255 0 0 100
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 triangle -10 100 10

You can stop software controlled animations by using a second terminal and enter the following:

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 stop

The script finds the other running process for this bulb by reading the process id file, e.g. /tmp/bulb-AF-66-4B-0D-AC-E6.pid and sends a stop signal to the other process.

Note If a previous process has not been terminated correctly, the script tries to stop the other process first before it continues. This takes 5 seconds.


$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 timer 1 22:40 10 0 0 255 255
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 timer 1 off
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 timer 2 22 1 0 0 255 255
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 timer off

Random turn-on and off

$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 random 22:45 23:50 1 1 255 0 0 0
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 random off

Light programs (based on timers)

$./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 wakeup 8
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 doze 60
$ ./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 bgr 60 0 64

Set name

$./mipow.exp AF:66:4B:0D:AC:E6 name Timewaster

Mipow Playbulb BTL201 Bluetooth API


"Mipow bulbs are all equal. But some bulbs are more equal than others."

Actually the bulbs are not equal. There are a lot of different models. I have developed this script based on a Mipow Playbulb BTL201. Even in terms of one and the same model they maybe differ in software / firmware versions. The result is that the API is different too in terms of the requests and handles that have to be sent. Based on the so called characteristics it is possible to find out which handles are used for which API call since all bulbs share the same UUIDs.

The mipow script runs the characteristics command implicitly during the first run and stores the characteristics in /tmp folder, e.g. /tmp/bulb-A9-D5-4B-0D-AC-E6.hnd. Afterwards the script is able to map UUIDs to handles by looking them up as follows:

handle = 0x0002, char properties = 0x0a, char value handle = 0x0003, uuid = 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
                                                                            ^----> ^ UUID
                                                               ^->^ Handle

Here is a table of UUIDs and their meaning. Maybe there are other bulbs which have more functionality and therefore more useful UUIDs.

UUID Meaning
00002a25 product id
00002a26 product version
00002a29 vendor
00002a28 software version
00002a27 microprocessor
0000ffff given name
0000fffd reset
0000fffc color
0000fffb effect
0000fffe timer settings
0000fff8 timer effects
0000fff9 random mode

Full output of characteristcs for my bulb:

handle = 0x0002, char properties = 0x0a, char value handle = 0x0003, uuid = 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0004, char properties = 0x02, char value handle = 0x0005, uuid = 00002a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0006, char properties = 0x02, char value handle = 0x0007, uuid = 00002a04-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0009, char properties = 0x22, char value handle = 0x000a, uuid = 00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x000d, char properties = 0x10, char value handle = 0x000e, uuid = 00002a37-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0010, char properties = 0x0e, char value handle = 0x0011, uuid = 00002a39-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0012, char properties = 0x02, char value handle = 0x0013, uuid = 0000fff8-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0014, char properties = 0x0a, char value handle = 0x0015, uuid = 0000fff9-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0016, char properties = 0x06, char value handle = 0x0017, uuid = 0000fffa-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0018, char properties = 0x06, char value handle = 0x0019, uuid = 0000fffb-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x001a, char properties = 0x06, char value handle = 0x001b, uuid = 0000fffc-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x001c, char properties = 0x0a, char value handle = 0x001d, uuid = 0000fffd-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x001e, char properties = 0x0a, char value handle = 0x001f, uuid = 0000fffe-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0020, char properties = 0x0a, char value handle = 0x0021, uuid = 0000ffff-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0023, char properties = 0x12, char value handle = 0x0024, uuid = 00002a19-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0027, char properties = 0x02, char value handle = 0x0028, uuid = 00002a25-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0029, char properties = 0x02, char value handle = 0x002a, uuid = 00002a27-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x002b, char properties = 0x02, char value handle = 0x002c, uuid = 00002a26-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x002d, char properties = 0x02, char value handle = 0x002e, uuid = 00002a28-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x002f, char properties = 0x02, char value handle = 0x0030, uuid = 00002a29-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0031, char properties = 0x02, char value handle = 0x0032, uuid = 00002a50-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
handle = 0x0034, char properties = 0x0a, char value handle = 0x0035, uuid = 00001013-d102-11e1-9b23-00025b00a5a5
handle = 0x0036, char properties = 0x08, char value handle = 0x0037, uuid = 00001018-d102-11e1-9b23-00025b00a5a5
handle = 0x0038, char properties = 0x12, char value handle = 0x0039, uuid = 00001014-d102-11e1-9b23-00025b00a5a5
handle = 0x003b, char properties = 0x02, char value handle = 0x003c, uuid = 00001011-d102-11e1-9b23-00025b00a5a5

Note: The handles mentioned below are meant for my bulb. Therefore you have to check the characteristics of your device by running the "characteristics" command in gatttool.

Device Information

The product id of the bulb (uuid = 00002a25)

  • Encoded in ASCII, you must transform hex to ascii
  • Default value: „BTL201“
  • Get: char-read-hnd 28
  • Characteristic value/descriptor: 42 54 4c 32 30 31
  • Set: n/a

The product id of the bulb incl. Version (uuid = 00002a26)

  • Encoded in ASCII, you must transform hex to ascii
  • Default value: „BTL201_v2“
  • Get: char-read-hnd 2c
  • Characteristic value/descriptor: 42 54 4c 32 30 31 5f 76 32
  • Set: n/a

The vendor of the bulb (uuid = 00002a29)

  • Encoded in ASCII, you must transform hex to ascii
  • Default value: „Mipow Limited“
  • Get: char-read-hnd 30
  • Characteristic value/descriptor: 4d 69 70 6f 77 20 4c 69 6d 69 74 65 64
  • Set: n/a

The software version of the bulb (uuid = 00002a28)

  • Encoded in ASCII, you must transform hex to ascii
  • Default value: „Application version“
  • Get: char-read-hnd 2e
  • Characteristic value/descriptor: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 69 6f 6e 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 32 2e 34 2e 33 2e 32 36
  • Set: n/a

Microprocessor of bulb (uuid = 00002a27)

  • Encoded in ASCII, you must transform hex to ascii
  • Default value: „CSR101x A05“
  • Get: char-read-hnd 2a
  • Characteristic value/descriptor: 43 53 52 31 30 31 78 20 41 30 35
  • Set: n/a

The given name of the bulb (uuid = 0000ffff)

  • Default value: "MIPOW SMART BULB"
  • Get: char-read-hnd 3
  • Characteristic value/descriptor: 4d 49 50 4f 57 20 53 4d 41 52 54 20 42 55 4c 42
  • Set: char-write-req 3 4142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f
  • Set: char-write-req 21 4142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f

Note: This seems to be the only value that will be kept after you have disconnected the bulb from power.


The color of the bulb. Can also be used in order to read current color, in case that effect runs.

Color of bulb (uuid = 0000fffc)

  • Get: char-read-hnd 1b

  • Characteristic value/descriptor: ff 00 00 00

  • Set: char-write-cmd 1b ff000000

  • Setting the color deactivates a running effect. Set all colors to zero in order to turn bulb off.

  • Byte 1: White in hex (0 – ff)

  • Byte 2: Red in hex (0 – ff)

  • Byte 3: Green in hex (0 – ff)

  • Byte 4: Blue in hex (0 – ff)


The bulb has four effects, i.e. blink, pulse, smooth rainbow, hard rainbow. Note: Although according the app there is an additional effect called „candle“ It does not work with my bulb.

effect of bulb (uuid = 0000fffb)

  • Get: char-read-hnd 19

  • Characteristic value/descriptor: 00 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00

  • Set: char-write-cmd 19 00000000ff00ff00

  • Byte: 1 to 4: Color of effect, current color, values are persisted even if effect stops (can be written in order to remember previous color after bulb has been soft-turned off in order to be able to toggle to colors before – must be programmed by yourself of course)

  • Byte 5: Effect (blink=00, pulse=01, hard rainbow=02, smooth rainbow=03, halt=ff)

  • Byte 6: no special meaning, always „ff“, use „00“ if you set handle

  • Byte 7: Delay of the effect in hex

  • Byte 8: no special meaning, always „ff“, use „00“ if you set handle

More about delay of effects

1. Delay for smooth rainbow effect The value is the delay in ms for every single step.

Example: Delay is 255 (ff)

  • It takes exactly 6:30 min (390 sec.) for one sequence with fading and changing all 6 colors (red → yellow → green → magenta → blue → cyan)
  • The fading from 0 to 255 takes 65 seconds
  • It takes 0,255 secs for one step with delay of 255

2. Delay for hard rainbow effect The value is the hold value in seconds for each color (red → yellow → green → magenta → blue → cyan)

Example: Delay is 255 (ff)

  • It takes exactly 15,3 sec. for one sequence and all 6 colors (red → yellow → green → magenta → blue → cyan)
  • one color will be displayed for 2,55 secs with hold of 255
  • numeric value for effect is hold in 1/10s

3. Delay for pulse effect The value is the delay in ms for every single step.

Example: Pulse with hold 255 (ff)

  • The fading from 0 to 255 takes 65 seconds
  • Therefore the fading from 0 to 255 and back takes 130secs.
  • It takes 0,255 secs for one step with hold of 255

4. Delay for blink effect The value is the period in 1/100-seconds for each state (on, off).

Example: Blink with hold 255

  • 10 on/off-turns take 51 seconds
  • 1 turn takes 5,1 seconds
  • Hold of 255 means 2,55 seconds on and another 2,55 seconds off


Read current timers

The MIPOW Playbulb has 4 timers and an internal clock. Note that information about timers are read from 2 different handles.

Status and starting times of timers (uuid = 0000fffe)

  • Get: char-write-req 1f
  • Characteristic value/descriptor: 04 ff ff 04 ff ff 04 ff ff 04 ff ff 00 00
  • Set: (see chapter „Set timer“)

Timer 1:

  • Byte 1: Timer type (00 – wake-up timer, 02 – doze timer, 04 – deactivated timer) - actually it is unclear where the difference is
  • Byte 2 and 3: Time of the timer in hex (hh mm), „ff“ if timer is deactivated

Timer 2:

  • ident. timer 1 but in bytes 4 to 6

Timer 3:

  • ident. timer 1 but in bytes 7 to 9

Timer 4:

  • ident. timer 1 but in bytes 10 to 12


  • Byte 13 and 14: Current time (hh mm) in hex, does not run if neither random mode nor at least one timer is active!

Color and running time of timers (uuid = 0000fff8)

  • Get: char-write-req 13
  • Characteristic value/descriptor: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  • Set: (see chapter „write new timer)

Timer 1:

  • Byte 1 to 4: Color of this timer (values for white, red, green, blue)
  • Byte 5: Runtime of timer effect in minutes

Timer 2:

  • ident. timer 1 but in bytes 6 to 10

Timer 3:

  • ident. timer 1 but in bytes 11 to 15

Timer 4:

  • ident. timer 1 but in bytes 16 to 20

Set timer

The MIPOW Playbulb has 4 timers and an internal clock. Note: With my bulb (see version above) it is not possible to activate timers with repetition. The bulb always deactivates a timer after it has started. In order to set a new timer only one handle must be written in request-mode (instead of command mode)

Write to Handle 0x1f (uuid = 0000fffe)

  • Set: char-write-req 1f
  • Byte 1: Number of timer that you want to set (value 01 to 04) – stored in handle 0x1f
  • Byte 2: Timer type (00 – wake-up timer, 02 – doze timer, 04 – deactivated timer), actually values from 00 to 03 – stored in handle 0x1f
  • Byte 3: set current time in seconds of internal clock in hex (note that it is just for sync reasons) - written to handle 0x15 byte 1)
  • Byte 4: set current time minutes of internal clock in hex – afterwards available in handle 0x1f byte 14 and handle 0x15 byte 2, clock runs automatically
  • Byte 5: set current time hours of internal clock in hex – afterwards available in handle 0x1f byte 13 and handle 0x15 byte 3, clock runs automatically
  • Byte 6: "00" = Set timer, "ff" = delete timer
  • Byte 7: Minutes of starting time in hex – stored in handle 0x1f
  • Byte 8: Hours of starting time in hex – stored in handle 0x1f
  • Bytes 9 – 12: Color of this timer (values for white, red, green, blue) – stored in handle 0x13
  • Byte 13: Runtime of timer in minutes or very fast if "ff" – stored in handle 13

Random mode called „security“ in app (uuid = 0000fff9)

The bulb has a build-in functionality to turn on and off in a certain period. It is called „Security“ in app. Note that handle must be written in request-mode (instead of command mode)

  • Get: char-read-hnd 15

  • Characteristic value/descriptor: 17 12 12 01 02 03 04 05 06 ff 00 00 00

  • Set: char-write-req 15 000312ffffffffffff00000000

  • Byte 1: Meaning is unclear, if random mode or timer is active value is different from „00“

  • Bytes 2 - 3: Current time in hex (mm hh)

  • Bytes 4 - 5: Starting time of random mode (hh mm) in hex

  • Bytes 6 to 7: Ending time of random mode (hh mm) in hex

  • Byte 8: Min. interval (in minutes) in hex

  • Byte 9: Max. interval (in minutes) in hex

  • Byte 10 - 13: Color security mode (white red green blue)


  • char-write-req 15 000312ffffffffffff00000000
  • sets time to 18:03 and turns security function off

Internal clock

The MIPOW Playbulb has an internal clock. Unfortunately it only runs in case that at least one timer is scheduled.

Password (n/a)

Although according the app it should be possible to set a password for the bulb it does not work with my bulb.

Factory Reset (uuid = 0000fffd)

A factory reset can be performed by sending the value 3 to handle 1d in request-mode (instead of command mode). This resets everything (timers, randommode, name etc.). It does neither turn off the bulb nor stops running effect.

Write to Handle 0x1d

  • Set: char-write-req 1d
  • Byte 1: value "03" for factory reset

BTW: The bulb forgets everything after you have disconnected it from power. Therefore this is similar to a factory reset. It seems that the „given name“ of the bulb is the only thing that is still available after loss of power.