Stable: 0.7.0

Jekyll Website for

What's inside?

  • Jekyll
  • Redcarpet
  • YAML
  • JSON
  • Ruby
  • Latent Semantic Indexing

Known Issues

LSI works only with local builds # => Not as hosted by GitHub Pages

Directory Structure

  .gitignore      # Drafts staged for preview, git ignored

  default.html    # Default layout template
  post.html       # Post layout template

_posts/category     # Initial post sans title for brevity   # Post for 2014, initially created as a draft

  css/            # Generated CSS files by Jekyll build
  github/         # Generated topic directory by Jekyll build
  jekyll/         # Generated topic directory by Jekyll build       
  pg/             # Pagination folder, organized into page number directories
  wordpress/      # Generated topic directory by Jekyll build              

  main.css        # Sitewide CSS
  syntax.css      # Snippet highlight Pygments markdown CSS

_config.yml       # Jekyll options
github.html       # Github topic category index
index.html        # Index, now paginated
jekyll.html       # Jekyll topic category index
LICENSE           # Copyrighted content, otherwise FOSS
wordpress.html    # Wordpress topic category index


  • 2014-04-05 Organized posts into folders
  • 2014-04-04 Implemented Pure CSS Blog
  • 2014-01-04 Integrated LSI build
  • 2014-01-02 Implemented .gitignore
  • 2013-12-31 Implemented related_posts LSI
  • 2013-12-30 Implemented _drafts
  • 2013-12-29 Implemented pagination
  • 2013-12-24 Initial commit

Code is FOSS unless otherwise cited. Content is protected.

Install Jekyll

Use sudo when needed

~ $ gem install jekyll

~ $ jekyll new project_directory

~ $ cd project_directory

~ $ vim # => or emacs

Install JSON

~ $ gem install json

Jekyll Build

~ $ jekyll build # => Build website files

~ $ jekyll build --lsi # => Build website files, with latent semantic indexing

Run the server

~ $ jekyll server # => Browse http://localhost:3000

~ $ jekyll server --drafts # => Preview option, includes drafts

As hosted by GitHub Pages

When hosting GitHub Pages, Latent Semantic Indexing will need a workaround


Copyright 2013-2014 Disa Johnson. All rights reserved.