Pinned issues
- 1
Headers specified for the globar environment does not send
#2729 opened by zakdma - 2
- 12
[BUG] Application doesn't work at linux mint 21.3
#2627 opened by algoritmiks - 0
[BUG] Website links to 8.0.2 instead of 8.0.3
#2713 opened by d4rky-pl - 1
- 1
[BUG] Chrome plugin does not start
#2710 opened by am312 - 1
[BUG] AppImage GUI disapears
#2709 opened by am312 - 0
- 4
- 1
- 3
[BUG] Pre-request script in collection not triggered if query from collection is run
#2620 opened by gorillamoe - 1
Add support for Client Credentials flow
#2680 opened by dancrumb - 2
[BUG] Please fix light theme
#2631 opened by alex-kovalchuk - 0
[BUG] Not able to scroll in response headers
#2688 opened by ChintanpatelTH - 1
[BUG] Altair Fastify plugin not compatible with nodenext
#2666 opened by kingston - 8
[BUG] Could not load doc utilsweb worker
#2662 opened by alexander-jesner-AP - 2
[BUG] altair-plugin-fastify doesn't work with fastify v5
#2663 opened by xoldd - 0
Add a protocol handler to open a query window for a specific HTTP endpoint
#2642 opened by robotgryphon - 4
Bug: Application error: Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'History': A history state object ...
#2641 opened by JerryWang20 - 3
- 0
- 1
[BUG] search / find element is transparent, non clickable and being overlaid by result
#2622 opened by masterflitzer - 2
Bug: Application error: Failed to read large IndexedDB value DataError: Failed to read large ...
#2610 opened by a869140279 - 0
- 0
Failed to fetch
#2618 opened by niraliGajera99 - 1
- 2
- 4
altair-graphql-plugin-graphql-explorer don't displayed in latest update 7.2.4
#2601 opened by Wingsofcourage - 0
switch to changeset
#2602 opened by imolorhe - 3
[BUG] Cannot save query to a new collection
#2568 opened by glinskyc - 1
- 2
Set variables for query in pre-release script
#2589 opened by aensidhe - 11
- 3
Migrate chrome extension to mv3
#2504 opened by imolorhe - 11
- 0
[BUG] Cannot save query to an existing collection
#2579 opened by JOSU9435 - 8
Docs and intellisense stopped working in the Web UI
#2567 opened by nilsottesen - 2
[BUG] <title>Docs no longer available on 7.2.0
#2566 opened by scareduck - 3
[BUG] Failure Response not showing
#2569 opened by maDillusi0n70 - 5
Unable to Set Up oauth connections in MacOS Client
#2552 opened by tonygauderman - 2
- 2
[BUG] Docs don't show up at all
#2551 opened by andrewmartin - 0
Fix intermittent CI docs install error
#2537 opened by imolorhe - 1
Altair does not work on MX Linux
#2533 opened by khs1337 - 2
[BUG] Invalid Release version 7.0.0 on Mac M1
#2525 opened by dragonnomada - 0
GraphQL request extensions
#2505 opened by imolorhe - 3
- 0
OAuth2.0 authentication credential flow
#2518 opened by imolorhe - 6
[BUG] auth Bearer Token not work
#2502 opened by huan9yao - 1
Using Themes in Environments
#2514 opened by imolorhe