
REST API for ToDoList Application

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel Logo

REST API for ToDoList Application


  • git clone ... clone the project locally
  • cd api-crud - change directory into project folder
  • composer install - install necessary dependencies
  • cp .env.example .env - make a copy of example env file
  • make changes in DB configraion according to your preference
  • php artisan key:generate - generate application key
  • php artisan migrate - populate database with required tables
  • php artisan db:seed - populate tables with required data (user creds)
  • php artisan serve - start the server


  • PHP v8.2
  • Laravel v10.10
  • PostgreSQL v16.2 (optional, if you use another driver)


email: alta@alta.com password: qwerty12345678

Also available in database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php file


Postman collection can be exported using CRUD.postman_collection.json file