Telecommunication- WebRTC, SIP, SBC, RTP, realtime media stream, VoIP R&D Looking forward to quantum communication enabled future powered by renewable energy
Seattle UniversitySeattle
altanai's Following
- nealcardwellGoogle
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- zaheduzzaman@EricssonResearch
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- wish-wg
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- network-analytics
- panrg
- IETF-Hackathon
- brendangreggIntel
- renewable-energy-experimentsSeattle
- RealtimeDenoisingUnited States of America
- RamudroidUnited States of America
- Azure-SamplesRedmond, WA
- kakabishtBengaluru
- abkolanBangalore, INDIA
- balajeesvBangalore
- dougbtvRed Hat
- areskiStar2Billing // DialerAI
- lemenkov@RedHatOfficial
- surendratiwari3Bangalore, India
- mike-plivoPlivo
- mdeguzis
- kwhinnerySaint Paul / Minneapolis
- fyhertz@upciti
- miconda@asipto (
- ribomationRibomation AB
- fippo@meta
- gregbergeArgos
- hmkcode
- samduttonSam Dutton
- irbullEclipseSource