Exploring: Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners


@altansnl, @AGarciaCast, @Frankkie


  • For our experiments, we will use Tiny ImageNet instead of ImageNet-1K. For our baseline model, we will use ViT-B instead of ViT-Large.
  • For MAE ablation experiments, we will only use fine-tuning and not use linear probing. We will experiment with decoder-depth, decoder-width, and reconstruction-target; to lesser exhaus- tive extent with respect to the paper (due to time constrains we will not experiment with encoder with mask-tokens).
  • For comparisons with previous results on Tiny ImageNet, we will point to the respective papers and will not verify their results ourselves.
  • We will leave partial fine-tuning out-of-scope.
  • We might experiment with transfer learning for downstream tasks of object detection or a classification task (the amount of experiments will depend on the time and resources constrains).
  • The author mention that the performance could be improved if non-vanilla ViT models are used. So we could try to compare our results with other variations (not only on depth s.t. ViT-L/H).