This is a simple vim script to send portion of text from a vim buffer to a running tmux session.
It is based on slime.vim http://technotales.wordpress.com/2007/10/03/like-slime-for-vim/, but use tmux instead of screen. However, compared to tmux, screen doesn't have the notion of panes. So, the script was adapted to take panes into account.
Note: If you use version of tmux earlier than 1.3, you should use the stable branch. The version available in that branch isn't aware of panes so it will paste to pane 0 of the window.
You can tell tslime.vim to use the current session and current window, this let's you avoid specifying this on every upstart of vim.
let g:tslime_always_current_session = 1 let g:tslime_always_current_window = 1
These are disabled by default, meaning you will have the ability to choose from every session/window/pane combination.
Setting Keybindings
In this fork of tslime.vim, keybindings are not set automatically
for you. Instead, you can map whatever you'd like to one of the
plugin-specific bindings in your .vimrc
To get the old defaults, put the following in your .vimrc
vmap <C-c><C-c> <Plug>SendSelectionToTmux
nmap <C-c><C-c> <Plug>NormalModeSendToTmux
nmap <C-c>r <Plug>SetTmuxVars
To send a selection in visual mode to vim, set the following in your .vimrc
vmap <your_key_combo> <Plug>SendSelectionToTmux
To grab the current method that a cursor is in normal mode, set the following:
nmap <your_key_combo> <Plug>NormalModeSendToTmux
Use the following to reset the session, window, and pane info:
nmap <your_key_combo> <Plug>SetTmuxVars
Have a command you run frequently, use this:
nmap <your_key_combo> :Tmux <your_command><CR>
More info about the <Plug>
and other mapping syntax can be found