
Starter project for crafting reusable React Components.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Component Starter

Starter project for crafting React Components.


  • CSS modules configuration with SCSS syntax
  • ESlint configuration with Airbnb's React Styleguide
  • Testing setup powered by Jest & Enzyme
  • Example project configuration which builds into docs folder as a static webpage so you can serve it from Github repository


$ git clone git@github.com:altayaydemir/react-component-starter.git

$ cd react-component-starter

### Yarn
# Install yarn package manager
$ npm install yarn -g 

# Install project dependencies
$ yarn


Development Flow

# run this while developing your component
$ yarn run start

# run documentation project (separately from first one)
$ yarn run start:docs

# run both tasks concurrently
$ yarn run dev

Production Build

# build the library
$ yarn run build:lib

# build the docs
$ yarn run build:docs

# build'em all!
$ yarn run build


# run tests in watch mode
$ yarn run test:watch

# run tests and generate code coverage
$ yarn run test