- Download as many pictures as you like from glitter-graphics by selecting a category.
- They are downloaded in full size with their original file extension.
- You can also change the starting page as easily.
- I made this scraper for fun and to learn. If there are any issues you can report them.
- Selecting a category only works with keypad arrows. This is due to the package used for it.
- It also won't work in in-built pycharm terminal.
- Don't lower the time.sleep() counter as it can overload the site server by creating requests too fast and you could potentially get banned.
- You need to have Python 3.7 or higher.
- Clone the repo.
- Install all necessary dependencies with this command
pip install beautifulsoup4 requests inquirer
- To run the scraper open the terminal in the directory and enter 'python scraper.py'
- If you would like to change the starting page change line 12 of scraper.py
- Running the scraper more than once with different starting pages can result in images being overwritten.