
Ruby script for getting last ubuntu kernel

Primary LanguageRuby

Get last stable ubuntu kernel


Ruby script for getting last ubuntu kernel
It installs kernel ONLY if you choose option --install, by default it only downloads necessary files and gives you instructions how to setup it.

Dependencies installation

gem install bunder and run 'bundle' command
or if you wish install gems manually:
gem install nokogiri progressbar micro-optparse


./get_kernel.rb -h # for help
./get_kernel.rb # for amd64 generic kernel
./get_kernel.rb -a amd64 # for amd64 generic kernel
./get_kernel.rb -a amd64 -t lowlatency # for amd64 lowlatency kernel
./get_kernel.rb -a i386 # for i386 generic kernel
./get_kernel.rb -a i386 -t lowlatency # for i386 lowlatency kernel
./get_kernel.rb -t lowlatency # for amd64 lowlatency kernel
./get_kernel.rb -s # show version of kernel which available for downloading
./get_kernel.rb -i # setup downloaded version
./get_kernel.rb -c # remove downloaded files, better to use with -i flag, for downloading, installation and cleaning temp folders
./get_kernle.rb -v # show version of script

Supported versions

script was checked on ruby-2.1.5
securerandom module, which used in that app appeared in ruby-2.0.0