
Mlemer is a quiz, exercise, CTF or questionnaire system designed for trainer. It is designed meant to be simplified and easy to manage. This system is not suitable to be used for public access. It is designed for local network only and to assist trainer. Used at your own risk.

Primary LanguagePHPCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


Progress Status


Mlemer is a quiz, exercise, CTF or questionnaire system designed for trainer. It is designed meant to be simplified and easy to manage. This system is not suitable to be used for public access. It is designed for local network only and to assist a trainer. Used at your own risk.

Table of Content

  1. Requirement
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Screenshot
  5. Wiki
  6. Credit
  7. License


The requirement to get started is fairly simple. You need the following:

  • Any of your favorite Apache and MySQL manager. Mine use Wamp on Windows.
  • Any operating system that support PHP service.
  • You already have a set of question and answer to be input later.
  • and little patient.


To install, follow these step:

  • Download the latest release.
  • Extract into your web public directory (Eg: C:\Wamp\www\mlemer ).
  • Create MySQL database lets say mlem_db.
  • Import mlem_db.sql into your database.
  • Almost done, navigate to http://localhost/mlemer/admin/
  • Default username and password is admin:adminadmin987
  • Now your system is ready.

Configure config file:

  • Navigate and find inc/config_sample.php.

  • Rename config_sample.php to config.php.

  • Edit and enter your server configuration and database.

  • Navigate and find another admin file .htaccess and .htpasswd.

  • Edit .htaccess file as the following:

AuthUserFile <YOUR WEB PATH>\.htpasswd
AuthName "Adminitrative Area"
AuthType Basic

require user <YOUR ADMIN NAME>

Example .htaccess file:

AuthUserFile C:\wamp\www\Mlemer\admin\.htpasswd
AuthName "Adminitrative Area"
AuthType Basic

require user admin

Configure for extra security (optional):

  • You may hide your 404 error message to prevent user from knowing your server info.


This system is not suitable to be used for public access. It is designed for local network only and to assist the trainer. Used at your own risk.

As a player or training participant:

  • Once admin have setup everything, go to the following URL: http://localhost/mlemer/
  • At this point, system will automatically record your IP address, hostname and generate unique ID.
  • You will be prompt to register your username, real name and password (optional).
  • Once you have registered, you will be taken to the Dashboard page.
  • You are ready to take an exercise if available.


Here some screenshot on working system: main-player-dash


In progress. Will be ready soon.


  1. Twitter Bootstrap v3.3.6
  2. Dashboard Statistic inspired by SB Admin v2.0.
  3. Jquery


CC Attribution 4.0 International License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.