
Prometheus exporter for IAAS daily billing information

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Multi-iaas-daily-billing-exporter enables to collect, unify and expose daily billing from AWS and GCP providers. The aim is to trigger the daily billing from AWS and GCP and expose it to Prometheus and Grafana to provide a global vision about your resources billing in multiple providers. The main contributions are:

  • One exporter for multiple Iaas providers
  • Unification of collected billing information (day, service, cost, currency)
  • Centralization of billing in Prometheus


  • Kubernetes cluster
  • A Prometheus instance
  • AWS and GCP accounts with full access rights to billing

Note that it is possible to modify the app/controller.go to run only one of either GCP or AWS billing.

Multi-iaas-daily-billing-exporter architecture

In the following architecture, we showcase how multi-iaas-daily-billing-exporter exports billing from GCP and AWS and send it to Prometheus. The resulted metrics aws_cost and gcp_cost contain the following information:

  • SERVICE: the AWS or GCP service name
  • DAY : the day of the billing
  • CURRENCY: the currency (e.g. euros)
  • COST: the cost of this service during that DAY



To deploy the multi-iaas-daily-billing-exporter, you should enable billing and configure your secret key access to both GCP and AWS.

Enabling billing data export:

1. Google Cloud Platform (GCP):

In order to export billing from GCP, we consider BigQuery which is a Google Cloud's fully managed data warehouse that lets you export and query your GCP billing. Cloud Billing export to BigQuery enables you to export detailed Google Cloud billing data (such as usage, cost estimates, and pricing data) automatically throughout the day to a BigQuery dataset that you specify. In our case, we query billing information from the dataset you create in BigQuery.

To export billing data into a BigQuery dataset follow the steps in this documentation: BigQuery

Once your BigQuery dataset created and billing export enabled, configure the value for the following environments variables in the manifest.yaml file

  • GCP_TABLE: BigQuery Billing Table

2. Amazon Web Services (AWS):

To export AWS billing, we consider the AWS API. To activate your acces to AWS billing and cost management follow the steps described in AWS docs

AWS and GCP key access configuration

  • To configure the GCP access key:

    • First create and download your key here in a json file
    • Name the credentials file key.json
    • Create a secret for GCP crendentials in Kubernetes using kubectl, refer to the configuration file by the flag --from-file:
    kubectl create secret generic gcp-key --from-file=/path/key.json
  • To configure the AWS access key:

    • First create and download your AWS account credentials and configuration files see.
    • Create a secret for AWS crendentials in Kubernetes using kubectl, refer to both configuration and credentials files by the flag --from-file:
    kubectl create secret generic aws-key --from-file=/path/credentials --from-file=/path/config


To deploy the Multi iaas billing exporter, use the command below

kubectl apply -f deploy/manifest.yaml


In your Prometheus instance, you can find aws_cost and gcp_cost metrics after the intervall specified in manifest.yaml. This interval represents the frequency of daily billing query. Note that a very small intervall may imply additional cost while querying billing from AWS and GCP providers. The following screenshot showcases the ``gcp_cost` metric in Prometheus.


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