Weather App

This app is built for help people to know what are the current temperatature for certain place in the world as well as the weather forcast

Indonesia London Mountain View


Display a detailed information about the weather from the temperature (in Celcius), forcast for the next few days, and display images according to the current searched city

Getting Started


  • Android Studio


  • Copy the project's git link

  • Open terminal

  • Navigate to the directory you want to download the project

  • Type the following to the command line

    git clone

  • Open project

Executing program

  • Open Project oin android studio
  • Select where you want to run the project's on
  • Click Run


Contributors names and contact info

ex. Althaaf Ridha Muhammad Zaydaan Batubara ex. althaaafridha

Version History

  • 0.1
    • Initial Release

Special Thanks