
build scripts for tinycore .tcz packages

TET Packages

This is a repository of my build scripts for various TinyCore Linux extensions. Most of these have not been submitted for official inclusion in the repository. If you'd like to see any of these be included, send me a note or feel free to use my scripts to do it yourself.

You'll need to install tc-ext-tools to make use of this repository. It's an amazing tool that a few community members of TC have put a lot of real work into.

The Extensions


A panel for Openbox. This is an update of tint2 to a very recent commit. With this, we can get cool new features like launchers, and the ability to access the window manager's menu from the panel!


Light weight compositer. The version of xcompmgr in xtrans is 1.1.0. This extension will build 1.1.5, and also include a patch that lets tint2 see it, thereby getting real transparency.


Go, the programming language from Google. Packages up the x86 binaries.


Use the version in the TC repositories. Seriously. I was just too impatient to wait for bmarkus to submit an update.


Dynamic menu for X.


Builds DWM after applying some patches to configure it to my liking. Currently doesn't set $DESKTOP, so it's a bit broken on boot. The volume key config settings are also maybe not portable, as they're the actual keysym codes sent by my current keyboard.


Coffeescript, a little language that compiles to javascript.