eVIP Subsampling Analysis I created a pipeline that evaluates eVIP at different simulated depths of sequencing. At 5 different depths, I subsampled fastq files 100 different times, generated expression data with kallisto, filtered + normalized the data, ran through the eVIP pipeline (eVIP_corr.py & eVIP_predict.py),and counted the final prediction call of each 100 repetitions. Steps: Each step performs 100 repetitions at 5 different subsampling depths Step 1: Subsampling seqtk.py = subsample reads from the fastq files Step 2: Running kallisto kallisto.py - Transcript-level quantification with kallisto - Creating gene-level expression from kallisto output - Creating a GCT file that combines individual files - filter + transform the data Step 3: eVIP eVIP_steps.py - eVIP_corr.py = takes the gct file and calculates spearman rank correlation - eVIP_predict.py = uses algorithm to characterize mutations (LOF/GOF/COF/neutral) Step 4: counting the results depth_test_counter.py = combines the 100 predictions for each mutation into one file
Pipeline to evaluate eVIP at different simulated depths of sequencing