Building al-Ṯurayyā Gazetteer, v.1.0

This is a new working version of al-Ṯurayyā Gazetteer (or al-Thurayyā Gazetteer). Currently it includes over 2,000 toponyms and almost as many route sections georeferenced from Georgette Cornu’s Atlas du monde arabo-islamique à l'époque classique: IXe-Xe siècles (Leiden: Brill, 1983). The functionality is still under development. You can use an earlier version of al-Ṯurayyā, where you can browse the Gazetteer by clicking on any toponym marker. The popup will show the toponym both in Arabic script and transliterated. We are using a slightly modified transliteration system that facilitates conversion between fully transliterated, transliterated, and Arabic forms of toponyms. It should be easily understandable. There may be typos, because of the nature of how the data has been generated, so please, let us know if something should be corrected. The popup also offers a selection of possible sources on a toponym in question. You can check Arabic Sources: currently, al-Samʿānī’s Kitāb al-ansāb and Yāqūt’s Muʿjam al-buldān. Currently, the Gazetteer will only check for exact matches, which means that in some cases there will not be any entry at all, while in other cases there may be more than one and they may refer to other places with the same name. Improving the precision of this lookup is on our to-do list. You can also check if there is information on a toponym in question in Brill’s Encyclopaedia of Islam, Pleiades, and Wikipedia. It can be found here:

Credits and Acknowledgments:

Current team: Masoumeh Seydi and Maxim Romanov @ U Leipzig. Former contributors: 2013–2014: Cameron Jackson (class of 2014, double-major in Arabic and Computer Science, Tufts)—technical and conceptual development; 2013: Adam Tavares, programmer @ Perseus Project, Tufts—techincal development. Special thanks to: 2013–2014: Vickie Sullivan (Chair, Classics Department, Tufts U), 2013—: Gregory Crane and the Perseus DL and the U Leipzig teams for support and inspiration.

Repository Structure:


Old data files


Core and font CSS files


Files and projects and some auxilary tools related to the althurayya (and thesis).




Data files used in the map


Small-Scale interactive map of ancient islamic world. Sources: Cornu's map, Tarikh al-Islam. Running on Leaflet.js and MapBox


Individual geojson places files.


All Al-Thurayya previous versions.


Workshop report?


Relevant refrerences and resources


Scripts to join/split the geojson data files


Primary sources in individual json files



main directory files:

main JS, HTML, and css files (to be restructured ...)

Need to add information on License...