
Github's Activity, Explore Page, Your Profile, Repositories etc. The project is fully responsive on over 4 breakpoints.

Primary LanguageSCSS

Github Clone

View Deployed Version Here: https://altinthaqi.github.io/github-clone/

This project is a a static clone of Github pages.

I built it to showcase my Web Design skills in HTML, CSS(SCSS) for a task in a Fullstack Bootcamp that I'm enrolled.

Pages that are fully finished:

  1. Activity Page
  2. Pull Requests
  3. Marketplace
  4. Explore Page
  5. Your Profile
  6. Repositories
  7. Projects
  8. Packages
  9. Login


  • Mobile
    • <576px
  • Tablet
    • <750px
  • XS Desktop
    • <850px
  • Desktop
    • <1000px

Some pages use 3 breakpoints (without XS Desktop)

console.log("Thank you for your time!");