When the game first starts,you will see the menu.
You can choose the difficulty level of the game according to the options in the menu. You can exit the game and get help.

When you start playing the game according to the difficulty level you have chosen, you will see the game screen. 
You will control the game with the console. Your "a, s, d, w" control buttos.
'a' for left direction,
'd' for right direction,
'w' for up direction,
's' for dowmn direction. You can move with these buttons.

You will get points according to the difficulty levels.
1 point in easy game mode
5 points in medium game mode
10 points in hard game mode.

If you hit the walls, or the snake's own tail, it's game over.

While you can exit the game with 'q' in the menu when the game starts, you can use the 'ESC' button in the game.

The high score in the game is kept. If you pass the high score score, the new high score will be yours.