Altis Labs - Code Review Exercise

This exercise is intended to simulate a code review which is part of the development process at Altis Labs. Please perform the following instructions:

  • Review the requirements for the application contained within this repository
  • Clone this repository to your local workstation (or other suitable development environment)
  • Review the contents of this repository as if this was a pull request into a production branch and create a review document (i.e. Google doc, .txt file, etc.) containing any feedback/issues/improvements/nit-picks. We are not specifying a code/design style, so provide any feedback, even if you deem it to be minor/too subjective
  • Send your completed review document to your interviewer. They will review your submission and determine the next steps of the interview process




  • A web-based application that contains the following:

    • A card containing :

      • One button which, when clicked, increments a counter which initializes at 0
      • Another button that, when clicked, resets the counter to 0. This button shall only appear when the counter is greater than 0
      • Text which instructs the user to click the button when the counter is 0, otherwise shows the current counter value
    • A card in the top left corner of the page containing:

      • When the counter (see above) is 0, a message instructing the user to click the button


      • When the counter is greater than 0, a message containing a value after applying the following math:

        • value = <counter> + 3*(<counter>^2)


  • Common elements of the same type (i.e. card, buttons, etc) should have a consistent visual style


  • The application shall be package-able in a docker image which can be run to serve the application via http server


  • Strong typing shall be enforced
  • There should be automated tests for important operations, such as math operations