
Command line interface for altizure.com, with fast and robust uploads.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go Report Card

Homebrew (for mac user)

$ brew install jackytck/alti-cli/alti-cli


$ docker run -it --rm -v /tmp:/.altizure jackytck/alti-cli:v1.0.0
  • /.altizure is the path for storing config in container, mount to it to preserve config

Install or Update from source (for developer)

$ go get -u github.com/altizure/alti-cli

# bash auto-complete
$ alti-cli help completion


# email login
$ alti-cli login

# phone login (public api only)
$ alti-cli login -p

# login with specific key (e.g. your paid developer key)
$ alti-cli login -k
  • Support public api-server, Altizure One and private api-server.
  • e.g. endpoint for private server:

Environment variables

  • Active user profile could be set by environment variables: ALTI_ENDPOINT, ALTI_EMAIL, ALTI_KEY and ALTI_TOKEN. They are respected for all commands.

Quick start

  1. Put all images and meta files in a directory (e.g. /tmp/ust-test), or zipped obj (e.g. /tmp/bunny.zip)
  2. Call
# create project + upload (images/metafiles/model) + start task
$ alti-cli quick -i /tmp/ust-test

# Or a zip file of CAD obj
$ alti-cli quick -i /tmp/bunny.zip
  1. Done
  • -i: input path of image directory with meta file or single obj zip, e.g. /tmp/ust-test or /tmp/bunny.zip
  • -n: project name, e.g. 'Ust test', 'Bunny obj'
  • -p: project type, free or pro
  • -m: upload method, direct or s3 or oss
  • -m: model type, CAD or PHOTOGRAMMETRY or PTCLOUD
  • -s: directory to skip, e.g. .small
  • -v: verbose

Network Test

Check if direct upload is supported.

$ alti-cli network

Site Test

Check if main browsing site is up.

$ alti-cli check site -v

2019/11/06 14:56:45 Checking https://www.altizure.com...
2019/11/06 14:56:45 Success with status code: 200
2019/11/06 14:56:45 Took 637.822755ms

List Account

$ alti-cli account

Switch Account

$ alti-cli account use XXXXXX
  • XXXXXX is the account ID

Current active user

$ alti-cli whoami

| https://api.altizure.com | jacky          | 105.32 |     9.00 | ACTIVE     | ACTIVE        | 3.8 GiB      |    1 |     124 |      2 |    2 |         4 | 2015-08-21 09:33:07 | Hong_Kong_SAR |

Mmebership info

$ alti-cli my membership

| ACTIVE | Small |     12 | 2018-12-24 05:37:55 | 2019-12-24 05:37:55 |     6.00 |    1.00 | 4.0 GiB | 191 MiB | public     | Value: 5  |            10 |            5 | true      |
|        |       |        |                     |                     |          |         |         |         |            | Repeat: 1 |               |              |           |
|        |       |        |                     |                     |          |         |         |         |            | Month: 1  |               |              |           |

New Project (reconstruction)

$ alti-cli project new recon -n 'test new proj'

|            ID            |     NAME      | PROJECT TYPE | VISIBILITY |
| 5d37e018bb7c6a0e17ffe9d1 | test new proj | free         | public     |
  • recon: reconstruction project
  • -n: project name, e.g. 'test new proj'
  • -p: project type, free or pro
  • -v: visibility, public, unlisted or private
  • -s: silent mode, output project id only

New Project (imported model)

$ alti-cli project new model -n 'my obj model'
  • -n: project name, e.g. 'test obj model'
  • -p: project type, free or pro
  • -m: model type, CAD or PHOTOGRAMMETRY or PTCLOUD
  • -v: visibility, public, unlisted or private

Remove Project (any kind)

$ alti-cli project remove -p '5d37e018bb7c6a0e17ffe9d1'

Check local images (without uploading)

Check all images of a given directory locally. Get stats of number of GP, dimensions and invalid images, etc.

$ alti-cli check image -d ~/myimg -v -t -s .small -n 10
  • -d: image directory, e.g. ~/myimg
  • -v: verbose
  • -t: table format
  • -s: directory to skip, e.g. .small
  • -n: number of threads, default is number of cores

Remove local images not defined in group.txt

Locally check each image of a given directory, see if it is defined in the group.txt (if found). Remove it if it is not.

$ alti-cli check image-group -d ~/myimg -v -t -s .small -n 10
  • -d: image directory, e.g. ~/myimg
  • -v: verbose
  • -t: table format
  • -s: directory to skip, e.g. .small
  • -n: number of threads, default is number of cores
  • -y: auto accept to remove all undefined images

List buckets

Buckets are used in the import command for specifying different geo endpoints for the upload process. Would be auto selected if not provided.

$ alti-cli list bucket

Import Image (reconstruction project)

$ alti-cli import image -d ~/myimg -s .small -p 5d37e -r upload.csv -v -m s3 -y
  • -d: image directory, e.g. ~/myimg
  • -s: directory to skip, e.g. .small
  • -p: (partial) project id from aboved, e.g. 5d37e
  • -r: name of report, e.g. upload.csv (not required)
  • -v: verbose
  • -m: upload method (skip this flag to auto detect best method)
  • -n: number of threads, default is number of cores
  • -y: auto accept

Import Meta file (reconstruction project)

$ alti-cli import meta -p 5d008 -v -f ~/test/pose.txt
  • -b: desired bucket to upload (auto select if empty)
  • -f: path of meta file
  • -p: (partial) project id from aboved, e.g. 5d37e
  • -m: method of upload: direct or s3 or minio (based on supported cloud shown in alti-cli account)
  • -t: timeout in second(s)
  • -ip: ip address of ad-hoc local server for direct upload
  • -port: port of ad-hoc local server for direct upload
  • -v: verbose

Import Model file (imported model project)

$ alti-cli import model -p 5d7b6b -v -f ~/test/bunny.obj
  • -b: desired bucket to upload
  • -f: path of model zip file or directory of multiparts zip
  • -p: (partial) project id from aboved, e.g. 5d37e
  • -m: method of upload: direct or s3 or minio
  • -t: timeout in second(s)
  • -v: verbose

Inspect Project

$ alti-cli myproj inspect -p 5d37e0

$ alti-cli myproj

Start Reconstruction

$ alti-cli project start -p 5d37e0
  • -t: task type: One of alti-cli list task-type, default is Native

List task types

$ alti-cli list task-type

Stop Reconstruction

$ alti-cli project stop -p 5d37e0

Download Results (pro project only)

$ alti-cli project download -p 5d37e -y

Export all images

# export as list of images as csv only
$ alti-cli project image -p 5d37e

# download to local dir
$ alti-cli project image -p 5d37e -d /tmp/nat
  • -p: (partial) project id from aboved, e.g. 5d37e
  • -o, path of output csv, default to $pid-images.csv
  • -d, path of download directory (absolute or relative)
  • -v: verbose

Transfer project

$ alti-cli project transfer -p 5d37e -e nat@nat.com


Cash to coins

$ alti-cli bank tocoins -c 12

USD12.00 could buy 1.02 coins

Coins to cash

$ alti-cli bank tocash -c 3

3.00 coins could be bought by USD35.40

P2P coins

$ alti-cli bank transfer -c 0.1 -e nat@nat.com -m 'Test transferring coins'

You have 105.42 coins. Are you sure to transfer 0.10 coins to "nat@nat.com"? (Y/N): y
Successfully transferred 0.10 coins to "nat@nat.com"
Current balnce: 105.32 coins

Set profile picture

$ alti-cli set-face -f /tmp/face_128.jpg

Arbitrary GQL (query + mutation)

$ cat q.txt
query ($id: ID!) {
  project(id: $id) {
    cloudPath {

$ cat var.txt
  "id": "5d37e018bb7c6a0e17ffe9d1"

$ alti-cli gql -q q.txt -k var.txt
  "project": {
    "cloudPath": [
        "key": "local"
        "key": "oss_sz"
        "key": "s3"
    "date": "2019-07-24T08:33:01.321Z",
    "gigaPixel": 0.34,
    "id": "5d37e018bb7c6a0e17ffe9d1",
    "importedState": "Native",
    "isImported": false,
    "name": "test new proj",
    "numImage": 28,
    "projectType": "free",
    "taskState": "Done"
  • -q: path of query or mutation file
  • -k: path of query variables file

Super tools

Only for superuser, login with your superuser key and account:

$ alti-cli login -k

Get user token

$ alti-cli super token -e 'nat@altizure.com'
  • -e: user email

Sync project to cloud

$ alti-cli super sync -p 5d7b6b
  • -p: (partial) project id

Sync images from cloud to gfs

$ alti-cli super toGFS -p 5d7b6b
  • -p: (partial) project id

Force start project task

$ alti-cli super force-start -p 5d7b6b
  • -p: (partial) project id