
A place to put async in your flux

Primary LanguageJavaScript



npm install alt-async


import createAsyncDispatch from 'alt-async'
import Alt from 'alt'

const alt = new Alt()

const asyncDispatch = createAsyncDispatch(alt)

const fetchCompany = asyncDispatch('fetchCompany', send => companyId => {
  return send(null, status => {
    if (!status.getRequest()) return Promise.resolve(companyId)

    return companyId


Breaking it down. createAsyncDispatch takes in a dispatcher, any dispatcher. flux will do but you're probably using alt so you pass that in. That'll return a function which you can then use to create your async functions.

That function's signature is (namespace: string, value: function, opts: Object) you can pass in certain options such as custom success, failure, begin, and end actions; or you can have them auto-generated for you.

The value AKA function that you pass in as the second argument is a curried function that takes in a single send argument. send is a function that when called will execute the async dispatch. send takes an id for each request, and a function callback that is ran. That callback contains a status object which has information about the request.

This is all probably really confusing so here's some pseudo types...


createAsyncDispatch(dispatcher: { dispatch: function }): asyncDispatch

asyncDispatch(namespace: string, value: function, opts: Object): function

value = function (send) {
  return function (yourArguments, go, here) { }

// optional
opts = {
  success: Action
  failure: Action
  begin: Action
  end: Action

send(id: string, resolver: function)

resolver = function (status) { }

status: {
  state: opts.getState || null

Retrieving the auto-generated actions

import { getActionCreators } from 'alt-async'

const { success, failure, begin, end } = getActionCreators(theNameSpaceIUsed)

  // in your alt store or whatever...
    handleSuccess: success,

But I like classes

import { AsyncDispatch } from 'alt-async'

class CompanyFetcher extends AsyncDispatch {
  constructor(dispatcher, name) {
    super(dispatcher, name)

  fetchCompany(companyId) {
    return this.send(null, status => {
      if (!status.getRequest()) return Promise.resolve(companyId)

      return companyId

const companyFetcher = new CompanyFetcher(alt)

More code

import createAsyncDispatch from 'alt-async'
import alt from '../alt'

export default createAsyncDispatch(alt)('createUser', send => (user) => {
  return send(user.id, (status) => {
    // dont allow creating same user more than once
    if (status.isLoading()) return

    return xhr.users.update(user).then(res => res.data)
}, {
  success: UserActions.userSaved,
  failure: UserActions.userSaveFailed,