
Server for authentication QA to access QA branches

Primary LanguageGo

Discord Authentication Service


This project is a Discord authentication service written in Go. It interfaces with Discord's OAuth2 API to authenticate users and checks if they have specific roles within a Discord guild. The service also interacts with a CDN endpoint to generate and post a new token, based on user authentication.


  • OAuth2 Integration: Uses Discord's OAuth2 API for user authentication.
  • Role Verification: Checks if authenticated users have specific roles in a Discord guild.
  • Token Generation: Generates a new token upon successful user role verification.
  • HTTP Server: Runs an HTTP server to handle authentication requests.


  • Go (latest version recommended)
  • A Discord bot token, client ID, and client secret
  • Guild ID of the Discord server
  • Specific role IDs for verification
  • Cloudflare security token for CDN interactions

Environment Variables

The following environment variables need to be set for the service to function properly:

  • DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: Your Discord bot token.
  • DISCORD_CLIENT_ID: Your Discord client ID.
  • DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET: Your Discord client secret.
  • DISCORD_GUILDS: Comma-separated list of Discord guild IDs.
  • DISCORD_QA_ROLES: Comma-separated list of Discord role IDs for authentication.
  • CF_SECURITY_TOKEN: Security token for Cloudflare CDN interactions.
  • HTTP_HOST: Host for the HTTP server (e.g.,
  • HTTP_PORT: Port for the HTTP server (e.g., 5675).


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Ensure all required environment variables are set in your environment or a .env file.
  4. Run the service using go run main.go.


The service starts an HTTP server that listens for authentication requests. Upon receiving a request, it:

  1. Exchanges a provided code for a Discord access token.
  2. Retrieves the user's information and verifies their roles in the specified guild.
  3. If the user has the required role(s), a new token is generated and sent to a specified CDN endpoint.


/auth: Handles the authentication process and token generation.


Contributions to this project are welcome. Please ensure you follow the code of conduct and submit pull requests for any new features or bug fixes.