qob === Ludum Dare #26 version by Stephen Altamirano evilrobotstuff.com About ----- qob is a 2 player competitive turn based game inspired by Go, Hokra, Piet Mondrian, and "Chinese checkers". Controls -------- Click to select stones LEFT / A to rotate counter-clockwise RIGHT / D to rotate clockwise Rules ----- qob is a competitive 2 player game the goal of the game is to collect the most stones in your colored zone players take turns moving stones move stones by selecting a pivot point, and rotating select a pivot stone by clicking it rotate counter-clockwise with LEFT / A rotate clockwise with RIGHT / D a stone will rotate only if it is connected to the pivot stone a stone will rotate only if is has 2 or fewer non-pivot neighbors a stone will rotate only if its destination is not blocked you cannot pivot from your opponent\'s zone you cannot undo your opponent\'s move a game lasts 100 turns