
A Lua MVC Web Framework.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

#Sailor A Lua MVC Framework. www.sailorproject.org

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Development progress

So far I have integrated with @mascarenhas's Lua Pages as a nice templater for views, we also have controllers, a mailer module, routes, basic models, db connection, a validation module, integration with lua51.js so we can use Lua at client-side, basic form generation, sessions, basic authentication and some other stuff. We are now working on researching, refactoring, making Sailor compatible with more environments and making documentation for releasing a version 0.2 and a luarocks build. After that is done the roadmap is rewriting the DB module for benefiting from mod_lua's API, reviewing the session management, improving form generation, making models relate to each other and keep improving Sailor's compatibility.

More about this project's motivation can be found here: http://etiene.net/sailor-building-a-lua-based-mvc-framework/

Directory tree info

  • /docs - this one is supposed to have documentation
  • /src - Lua modules with nice stuff from sailor and other places.
  • /sailor - Sailor modules
  • /sailor/demo-app - default Sailor web app
  • /test - apps for testing and demonstration purposes

Supported Environments

Sailor has been tested under Linux, Mac OS X and Windows and is currently compatible with Apache with mod_lua or mod_pLua, Nginx with ngx_lua, or any CGI-enabled web server, like Civetweb or Mongoose, if CGILua is present.


For Linux, see INSTALL_LINUX.md

For Windows, see INSTALL_WIN.md

For Mac, see INSTALL_MAC.md

Using Sailor

A default Sailor app will have the following directory tree structure:

  • /conf - configuration files, open and edit them.
  • /controllers - controllers you will make!
  • /layouts - default layout files.
  • /models - models you will make!
  • /pub - publicly accessible files (js libraries, for example)
  • /runtime - temporary files generated during runtime.
  • /views - this is where your lua pages in .lp will go

Creating Pages

Go to /controllers and create your first controller! It should be a lua module. Name it whatever you want, our example is "site.lua". We will serve two pages, one accessible via /?r=site which will run site.index() by default and another one acessible via /?r=site/notindex.

local site = {}
function site.index(page)
  local foo = 'Hello world'
  local User = sailor.model("user")
  local u = User:new()
  u.username = "etiene"
  u.password = "a_password"
  local valid, err = u:validate() -- validate() will check if your attributes follow the rules!
  if not valid then
    foo = "Boohoo :("

  -- Warning: this is a tech preview and some methods of model class do not avoid SQL injections yet.
  page:render('index',{foo=foo,name=u.username}) -- This will render /views/site/index.lp and pass the variables 'foo' and 'name'
function site.notindex(page)
  page:write('<b>Hey you!</b>')
return site

Go to /views, create a dir named 'site' to match your controller name and create your first page, our example is index.lp

  Hi, <?=name?>

For more information on what you can do with html and Lua Pages, visit http://keplerproject.github.io/cgilua/manual.html#templates

For more examples, you can check the test controller (/controllers/test.lua), the test views (/views/test/*) and the User model (/models/user.lua)

Suggestions or questions



If you are having trouble to get it working or if you got it working using different specs, please contact me so we can exchange info and I can improve this manual. Thanks!