
Client-agnostic model wrapper for Notion API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Client-agnostic model wrapper for Notion API.

This library does not do any interaction over the network itself, so it can be used with any existing client that exposes as output and accepts as input raw JSONable data.

Note that this project is in active development, so major changes in its structure and API are quite possible in the near future.


Just like any other python package out there, it can be installed via pip:

pip install basic-notion

Basic Examples

Defining Models

All of the examples assume that you put the following code in a file and name it models.py:

from basic_notion.page import NotionPage, NotionPageList
from basic_notion.field import SelectField, TitleField, MultiSelectField

class ReadingListItem(NotionPage):
    type = SelectField(property_name='Type')
    name = TitleField(property_name='Name')
    status = SelectField(property_name='Status')
    authors = MultiSelectField(property_name='Author')

class ReadingList(NotionPageList[ReadingListItem]):
    ITEM_CLS = ReadingListItem

All the other examples are using the notion-client package for sending and fetching data. See the package's homepage on GitHub

Fetching a page list from a database

(assuming you put the contents of previous example in models.py)

import asyncio
import os

from notion_client import AsyncClient
from basic_notion.query import Query

from models import ReadingList

async def get_reading_list() -> ReadingList:
    database_id = os.environ['DATABASE_ID']
    notion_token = os.environ['NOTION_TOKEN']
    notion = AsyncClient(auth=notion_token)
    data = await notion.databases.query(
            # Construct filter using model's field
            # (only one filter expression is supported)
            # And, similarly, the result's sorting
            # (multiple fields can be listed here)
    return ReadingList(data=data)

def print_reading_list(reading_list: ReadingList) -> None:
    for item in reading_list.items():
        print(f'[{item.type.name}] {item.name.one_item.content}')

async def main() -> None:
    reading_list = await get_reading_list()


Creating a new page

from notion_client import Client
from models import ReadingListItem

def create_page(client: Client, database_id: str) -> ReadingListItem:
    page = ReadingListItem.make(
        parent={'database_id': database_id},
        name=['The Best Book Ever'],
        authors=['John Doe'],
    response = client.pages.create(**page.data)
    item = ReadingListItem(data=response)
    # assert len(item.id) == 36
    # assert item.type.name == 'Book'
    # assert item.name.get_text() == 'The Best Book Ever'
    # assert item.authors.get_text() == 'John Doe'
    # assert not item.name[0].bold
    return item

Creating a new database

from notion_client import Client
from basic_notion.database import NotionDatabase
from models import ReadingListItem

def create_database(client: Client, parent_page_id: str) -> NotionDatabase:
    database = NotionDatabase.make(
        title=['My New Shiny Database'],
        parent={'page_id': parent_page_id},
    response = client.pages.create(**database.data)
    created_database = NotionDatabase(data=response)
    return created_database

You can also see the files in tests/ for more examples and more thorough usage of the various attributes and properties

Development and Testing

Configuring the test environment


pip install -Ue .[testing]

Create file .env with the following content:



  • <your-notion-token> is your Notion API developer's token. You will need to create a Notion integration for this: visit https://www.notion.so/my-integrations.
  • <your-page-id> is the ID of a page where the tests will create new child pages and databases. It must have read/write permissions for your access token.


Run the tests:

pytest tests

And always validate typing:

mypy src/basic_notion

Or simply

make test

(it will run all test commands)


Homepage on GitHub: https://github.com/altvod/basic-notion

Project's page on PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/basic-notion/

Notion API: https://developers.notion.com/