Luby -- IMPS2020

This repo contains the code for fitting the IRT/IRTree models and replicating the graphs in my IMPS 2020 Spotlight talk "Psychometrics for Forensic Decision-Making"

title slide: Psychometrics for Forensic Decision-Making

  • fit-stan-models.R contains the code used to format the data for Stan, fit the models, and save the output to RDS files
  • analysis-and-graphs.R contains the R code used to create the graphs, tables, etc. used in the presentation
  • Stan code for the Rasch and IRTree model can be found in the stan-files directory
  • .png images are located in the figures directory

Note: I used my R package blackboxstudyR to access the FBI "Black Box" study data, but you can also download the .txt file directly from the FBI's website. (TestResponses data table)