
A ionic example with TypeORM SDK with migrations

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A ionic example with TypeORM SDK with migrations

How to run this example

  1. Install the ionic and cordova cli: npm install -g cordova ionic
  2. Install all dependencies: npm install
  3. Add a platform: ionic cordova platform add <ios | android>
  4. Run the app: ionic cordova run <ios | android>. If you need help, you can read ionic's guide for running an app on your device

Using TypeORM in your own app

  1. Install the plugin: ionic cordova plugin add cordova-sqlite-storage --save
  2. Install TypeORM: npm install typeorm --save
  3. Install node.js-Types: npm install @types/node --save-dev
  4. Add "typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types"] to your tsconfig.json under compilerOptions
  5. Create a custom webpack config file like the one included in this project to use the correct TypeORM version and add the config file to your package.json (Required with TypeORM >= 0.1.7)