[BUG]plugin for the Waveshare UPS hat C, doesn't work
Opened this issue · 1 comments
zrays commented
pwnagotchi plugin for the Waveshare UPS hat C, doesn't work
- "i2c" in raspi-config enabled
- smbus installed sudo apt-get install -y python-smbus
Copy over ups_hat_c.py into your custom plugins directory
In your config.toml file, add:
main.plugins.ups_hat_c.enabled = true
main.plugins.ups_hat_c.label_on = true # show BAT label or just percentage
main.plugins.ups_hat_c.shutdown = 5 # battery percent at which the device will turn off
main.plugins.ups_hat_c.bat_x_coord = 140
main.plugins.ups_hat_c.bat_y_coord = 0
it doesn't work
j0p3s commented
Same bug here