
Pave the way towards AI-powered test automation.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Pave the way towards AI-powered test automation.
Installation · Quick Start · Documentation

Alumnium is an experimental project that builds upon the existing test automation ecosystem, offering a higher-level abstraction for testing. It aims to simplify interactions with web pages and provide more robust mechanisms for verifying assertions.

Currently in the very early stages of development and not recommended for production use.


pip install alumnium

Quick Start

import os
from alumnium import Alumni
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "..."

driver = Chrome()

al = Alumni(driver)
al.do("search for selenium")
al.check("selenium in page title")
al.check("selenium.dev is present in the search results")

Check out documentation and more examples!


Setup the project:

pipx install poetry
poetry install

Configure access to AI providers and start hacking!

Useful commands during development:

poetry run python -i demo.py  # run REPL
poetry run behave             # run Gherkin examples
poetry run pytest             # run Pytest examples