- A basic expense tracker using a sql server datastore + exposing a dotnet core api.
- Authentication is handled using ASP.NET Core Identity
Run with:
dotnet run
- You need sql server installed and exposed as localhost. Running the app will automatically create the database AAA_ExpensesDb.
- To use a different test database change the ExpensesDb connection string in appsettings.Development.json.
For exact api details see the swagger documenation at: https://localhost:7241/swagger/index.html
The directory bruno-collection has a postman-like collection of request templates for use with Bruno.
Register a user:
POST v1/identity/register
Aquire an access token:
POST v1/identity/login
Get a list of all categories:
GET v1/categories/all
Add expenses:
POST v1/expenses/add
Get a list of the latest expenses:
GET v1/expenses/latest
The tests uses the InMemory ef provider instead of sql server.
Run with:
dotnet test
- Requires a connection string ExpensesDb to an sql server database
Install tool:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Add migration:
dotnet ef migrations add
Undo last:
dotnet ef migrations remove
Revert to specific when applied to db:
dotnet ef database update