
This is an example app used to showcase Cypress.io testing.

Primary LanguageHTML

Kitchen Sink Circle CI Travis CI


This is an example app used to showcase Cypress.io testing. The application utilizes every command available in Cypress for demonstration purposes. Additionally this example app is configured to run tests in Travis CI and CircleCI. The tests are also heavily commented. For a full reference of our documentation, go to docs.cypress.io.

To see the kitchen sink application, visit example.cypress.io.


  • Querying
  • Traversal
  • Actions
  • Viewport
  • Navigation
  • Aliasing
  • Waiting
  • Network Requests
  • Files
  • Local Storage
  • Cookies

Help + Testing

The steps below will take you all the way through Cypress. It is assumed you have nothing installed except for node + git.

If you get stuck, here is more help:

1. Install Cypress

Follow these instructions to install Cypress.

2. Fork this repo

If you want to experiment with running this project in Continous Integration, you'll need to fork it first.

After forking this project in Github, run these commands:

## clone this repo to a local directory
git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/cypress-example-kitchensink.git

## cd into the cloned repo
cd cypress-example-kitchensink

## install the node_modules
npm install

## start the local webserver
npm start

The npm start script will spawn a webserver on port 8080 which hosts the Kitchen Sink App.

You can verify this by opening your browser and navigating to: http://localhost:8080

You should see the Kitchen Sink App up and running. We are now ready to run Cypress tests.

3. Add the project to Cypress

Follow these instructions to add the project to Cypress.

4. Run in Continuous Integration

Follow these instructions to run the tests in CI.



  • prevent file server caching

0.5.0 - (09/01/16)

  • renamed Fixtures section to Files
  • added examples for writeFile
  • added example for readFile
  • added examples for using modifier keys on cy.type
  • fixed some formatting


  • rename commandTimeout -> defaultCommandTimeout


  • remove spacejam visit, use https


  • added cy.screenshot example


  • added cy.exec() command examples


  • fix for clearing 3rd party cookies after visit


  • removed methods on Cypress.Cookies


  • removed selenium references


  • added examples of new cypress cookie commands


  • removed relative cy.visit which causes errors on new projects


  • updated node version to 5.10.0


  • renamed visitTimeout option to pageLoadTimeout


  • updated links to be https


  • added cy.reload(true) example


  • initial release