
Puppet module to install node.js

Primary LanguagePuppet

Puppet module: nodejs

This is a Puppet module that installs nodejs and npm.

Based on puppetlabs-nodejs module but modified to follow Example42 "NextGen" modules' design.

Based on Example42 layouts by Alessandro Franceschi / Lab42

Official site: http://www.netmanagers.com.ar

Official git repository: http://github.com/netmanagers/puppet-nodejs

Released under the terms of Apache 2 License.

This module requires the presence of Example42 Puppi module in your modulepath.

USAGE - Basic management

  • Install nodejs with default settings

      class { 'nodejs': }
  • Install a specific version of nodejs package

      class { 'nodejs':
        version => '1.0.1',
  • Remove nodejs resources

      class { 'nodejs':
        absent => true
  • Enable auditing without without making changes on existing nodejs configuration files

      class { 'nodejs':
        audit_only => true
  • Module dry-run: Do not make any change on all the resources provided by the module

      class { 'nodejs':
        noops => true
  • Automatically include a custom subclass

      class { 'nodejs':
        my_class => 'example42::my_nodejs',

npm package

Two types of npm packages are supported.

  • npm global packages are supported via ruby provider for puppet package type.
  • npm local packages are supported via puppet define type nodejs::npm.

For more information regarding global vs. local installation see [nodejs blog](http://blog.nodejs.org/ 2011/03/23/npm-1-0-global-vs-local-installation/)


npm package provider is an extension of puppet package type which supports versionable and upgradeable . The package provider only handles global installation:


package { 'express':
  ensure   => latest,
  provider => 'npm',

package { 'mime':
  ensure   => '1.2.4',
  provider => 'npm',


nodejs::npm is suitable for local installation of npm packages:

nodejs::npm { 'express_2.5.9':
  pkg_name    => 'express',
  install_dir => /opt/razor,
  ensure      => present,
  version     => '2.5.9',

If you don't specify pkg_name, title becomes the name of the package to install.

install_dir defaults to $npm_local_dir (/opt/razor) if not specified.

So, a shortest way to write the previous example, is:

nodejs::npm { 'express':
  version     => '2.5.9',

See npm define file for parameters description.


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