- ASP.NET Core 5.0 (with .NET Core 5.0)
- ASP.NET WebApi Core
- ASP.NET Identity Core
- Entity Framework Core
- .NET Core Native DI
- AutoMapper
- FluentValidator
- MediatR
- Swagger UI
- xUnit
- Moq
- Fluent Assertions
- Polly
- Refit
- Domain Driven Design
- Domain Events
- Domain Notification
- Event Sourcing
- Unit Of Work
- Repository & Generic Repository
- Inversion of Control / Dependency injection
- Mediator
- Specification Pattern
- Options Pattern
- Visual Studio:
Just run
- VSCode:
Just run
- Terminal:
dotnet run --project src/DDD.Services.Api/DDD.Services.Api.csproj --launch-profile Dev
docker build -t aspnetcore-docker-image .
docker run -it --rm -p 3000:80 --name aspnetcore-docker-container aspnetcore-docker-image
docker run -d -p 3000:80 --name aspnetcore-docker-container aspnetcore-docker-image
Health check (Staging & Prod env only)