
(Mirror repository) -- Poda is a tool to find similar and duplicate content between disconnected storage units. It can be used for connected ones too.

Primary LanguageShellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Poda is a set of scripts that aid at finding duplicate content between different storage systems. It is slower than fdupes because it needs to have previously indexed all content from each storage. Once this is done, the report is created from the indexes only. Reindexing is as efficient as possible.

Example usage:

  1. Place all the poda-* under /usr/local/bin or any other place in the $PATH.

  2. Initialize poda by using poda-init [hostname]. If a hostname is ommitted, it will be taken from your system's hostname -s.

  3. Declare a hamper. A hamper is a location unit for poda. For example, I declare a hamper to be my home directory. Another hamper can be a USB pendrive. A hamper in Poda is any location that stores data. The syntax is:

    poda-hamper-add <hampername> <basedir> <find_expr>

    For example, this is how I ad my home directory as a hamper:

    poda-hamper-add home $HOME .

    And this is how I declare my USB drieve as a hamper:

    poda-hamper-add -n blue-usb /media/alvarezp/1234-ABCD .

    find_expr is important. Poda will search for files by doing this:

    find ${FINDEXPR} -name '.poda' -type d -prune -o -type f -size +0 -print0

    So, for the whole directory just use . but if you want to exclude a directory, you can do it by using . -name <dirname> -prune -o instead. If it sounds hackish, it's because it is.

  4. Run poda-reindex . It will take a while. Leave it running. If it is too much data, leave it overnight. The index will be created as .poda/indexes/hostname/hampername/index.

  5. The following steps must be done manually for now. Download indexes from other hosts (for example, your NAS) and copy it to your .poda directory. Say you downloaded the index for host mynas, hampername home, and you downloaded it to your laptop as index:

    mkdir -p ~/.poda/indexes/mynas/home cp index ~/.poda/indexes/mynas/home

  6. Generate the similar directories report:

    cat ~/.poda/indexes/\*/\*/index | sort | poda-dirdupes.py | sort -n > dirdupes.txt

A sample run can be found in the doc/sample-run.txt. Quick links:

I hope you find this program useful. I am open to suggestions.