Toy Tale

You got a friend in need!

Your friend Andy recently misplaced all their toys!

Help Andy recover their toys and get the toys back in the toy collection.

STEP 1: Create your server!

All of the toy data is stored in the db.json file. You'll want to access this data using a json server. In order to do this, run the following two commands:

  • npm install -g json-server
  • json-server --watch db.json
This will create a server storing all of our lost toy data with restful routes at http://localhost:3000/toys.

You can also check out http://localhost:3000/toys/:id

STEP 2: Fetch Andy's Toys!

On the index.html page, there is a div with the id "toy-collection"

When the page loads, make a 'GET' request to fetch all the toy objects. With the response data, make a <div class="card"> for each toy and add it to the toy-collection div.

STEP 3: Add toy info to the card!

Each card should have the following child elements:

  • h2 tag with the toy's name
  • image tag with the src of the toy's image attribute - needs a class name of "toy-avatar"
  • p tag with how many likes that toy has
  • button tag with an class of "like-btn"

After all if that - the toy card should resemble:

<div class="card">
  <img src=toy_image_url class="toy-avatar">
  <p>4 Likes <p>
  <button class="like-btn">Like <3</button>

STEP 4: Add a new toy!

  • When a user clicks on the add new toy button - a POST request is sent to http://localhost:3000/toys and the new toy is added to Andy's Toy Collection.
  • The toy should conditionally render to the page.
  • An example toy to add:
  "name": "Jessie",
  "image": "",
  "likes": 0

STEP 5: Increase toy's likes!

When a user clicks on a toy's like button, two things should happen:

  • Conditionally increase the toy's like count
  • Send a patch request to the server at http://localhost:3000/toys/:id updating the number of likes that the specific toy has