
Collection of publicly available Discrete Choice Datasets


Below you might find several discrete choice data sets from diverse fields. If you want to contribute to the list with your data or another publicly available one, please send me an email at alvaro.gutierrezvargas [at] kuleuven [dot] be, and I will be more than happy to add it to the list :)


Article Name Year Field Article Dataset
Trip generation in Switzerland, 2015-2030 2021 Transport Article Code
Working from home in Switzerland, 2015-2050 2021 Transport Article Data(upon request)
Surveying and analysing mode and route choices in Switzerland 2010–2015 2021 Transport Article Data(upon request)
A Comparative Empirical Study of Discrete Choice Models in Retail Operations 2021 Management Article Code
Ride to the hills, ride to your school: Physical effort and mode choice 2021 Transport Article Dataset
Analysis of active school transportation in hilly urban environments: A case study of Dresden 2020 Transport Article Dataset
Are farmers willing to pay for climate related traits of wheat? Evidence from rural parts of Ethiopia
2020 Agricultural economics Article Dataset
Constraints to adopting soil fertility management practices in Malawi: a choice experiment approach 2020 Agricultural economics Article Dataset
Consumer WTP for Sustainability Attributes in Beer 2020 Consumer Attitude Article Dataset
Public Perceptions on COVID-19: The Spiral of Silence Logic among Facebook Users in Armenia 2020 Covid-19 Lockdown Preferences - Dataset
Self-Generation and Households' Willingness to Pay for Reliable Electricity Service in Nigeria

2020 Consumer Attitude Article Dataset
Understanding what women want: eliciting preference for delivery health facility in a rural sub-County in Kenya, a discrete choice experiment

2020 Health Econ Article Dataset
- 2020 Covid-19 Lockdown Preferences - Dataset
- 2020 Experiment Wearables data - Dataset
- 2020 Experiment SmartTV data
- Dataset
- 2020 Experiment Thermostats data - Dataset
- 2020 Experiment Security Camera - Dataset
An artificial neural network based approach to investigate travellers’ decision rules
2019 Transport Article Dataset
Arriving at a decision: A semi-parametric approach to institutional birth choice in India 2019 health Econ Article Dataset
Duration of Treatment Effect Should Be Considered in the Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials: Results of a Discrete Choice Experiment
2019 Health Econ Article Dataset
Economic valuation of street-level urban greening: A case study from an evolving mixed-use area in Berlin
2019 Green Preferences Article Dataset
Population preferences for breast cancer screening policies: Discrete choice experiment in Belarus 2019 Health Econ Article Dataset
Preferences for HIV testing services among men who have sex with men in the UK: a discrete choice experiment 2019 Health Econ Article Dataset
Stated Preferences for Car Choice 2019 Transport - Dataset
Mobility Resources in Switzerland in 2015 2018 Transport Article Code
Consumer attitudes and preferences towards pangasius and tilapia: the role of sustainability certification and the country of origin 2018 Consumer Attitude Article Dataset
Discreet Choice Experiment on car sales in Norway 2018 Transport - Dataset
Individual-specific point and interval conditional estimates of latent class logit parameters
2018 Montecarlo Simulations Article Dataset
Investigating people’s preferences for car-free city centers: A discrete choice experiment 2018 Transport Article Dataset
Pooling stated and revealed preference data in the presence of RP endogeneity
2018 Transport Article Dataset
Preference and WTP for Livestock Market Facilities – DCE Data 2018 Agricultural economics - Dataset
Time preference and consumer discount rates - Insights for accelerating the adoption of efficient energy and transport technologies
2018 Consumer Attitude Article Dataset
Individual Trade‐Offs Between Possible Benefits and Risks of Cancer Treatments: Results from a Stated Preference Study with Patients with Multiple Myeloma
2017 Health Article Dataset
Random taste heterogeneity in discrete choice models: Flexible nonparametric finite mixture distributions
2017 Transport Article Dataset
Location choice with longitudinal WiFi data 2016 Transport Article Code
Discrete choice modelling of natal dispersal: "choosing" where to breed from a finite set of available areas 2016 Ecology Article Dataset
Marine trade-offs: Comparing the benefits of off-shore wind farms and marine protected areas 2016 Energy Article Dataset
Consumers' willingness to pay for renewable and nuclear energy: A comparative analysis between the US and Japan
2015 Energy Article Dataset
Preferences for improved cook stoves: Evidence from rural villages in north India
2015 Energy Article Dataset
London Passenger Mode Choice 2015 Transport Manual Dataset
Travel-to-school mode choice modelling and patterns of school choice in urban areas 2008 Transport Article Dataset
A discrete‐choice model with social interactions: with an application to high school teen behavior
2007 Economics Article Dataset
Mixed Logit Models for Multiparty Elections 2001 Political Economy Article Dataset

... more Discrete Choice Data

*Bonus: Discrete Choice Software

General Purposes Estimation Software

Specific Stata Estimation Commands

Software for Choice Experiments Design

  • The idefix Package: Generating Optimal Designs for Discrete Choice Experiments in R.

  • DCREATE: Stata module to create efficient designs for discrete choice experiments

  • DCEtool: A Complete package for creating, surveying, and analysing Discrete Choice Experiments

Interesting, right?: Consider to share it with a friend :)!

Here's a collection of publicly available #DiscreteChoice data (+ their articles) ready for you💻!

Please feel free to tag/share with your favorite Choice-Modeler(s) that might find this useful😊#EconTwitter #StatsTwitter #MarketingTwitter #EpiTwitter https://t.co/ZGWTGhSQMd

— Álvaro A. Gutiérrez-Vargas (@alvarogutyerrez) May 21, 2021

Acknowledgment: I thank José Ignacio Hernández from TU Delft, who encouraged me to upload the databank into a Github instead of the sloppy excel sheet that it was at the beginning.