
Lib Zen is a C++ library for petroleum-domain units management and conversion.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


LibZen is a C++ library for petroleum-domain units management and conversion.


  • Runtime entirely written in C++14.
  • Tested on gcc, clang and Intel (icc), compilable on any platform that supports any of these.
  • The library is compilable for Windows, OSX, Linux, and Solaris operating systems.
  • Fully reentrant code, which makes it multithreaded.
  • Chainable to any system.
  • Physical magnitudes supported by the converter:
Physical Magnitude Unit symbol LaTeX symbol
Absolute Roughness ft_ar ft_ar
Absolute Roughness in_ar in_ar
Absolute Roughness mm_ar mm_ar
Angle deg \degree
Angle rad rad
Area ft2 ft2
Area in2 in2
Compressibility Factor zFactor Undefined
Current amp amp
Density gr/cm3 g/cm^{3}
Density kg/m3 kg/m^{3}
Density kg/L kg/L
Density lb/ft3 lb/ft^{3}
Density lb/gal lb/gal
Density lb/inch3 lb/in^{3}
Density Sg sg water=1\ at\ 60\ \degree{F}
Diameter ft_d ft
Diameter in in
Diameter m m
Diameter cm cm
Diameter mm mm
DummyUnit TU TU
Dynamic Viscosity kg/m*s kg/m \cdot s
Dynamic Viscosity lb/ft*s lb/ft \cdot s
Dynamic Viscosity g/cm*s g/cm \cdot s
Dynamic Viscosity cP cP
Dynamic Viscosity Pa*s Pa \cdot s
Dynamic Viscosity lb/ft*h lb/ft \cdot h
Dynamic Viscosity poise P
Dynamic Viscosity mP mP
FVF volume Ratio RB/STB RB/STB
FVF volume Ratio Rm3/Sm3 Rm^{3}/Sm^{3}
Flow Efficiency FlowEff Dmnl
Flow Rate bpd bpd
Flow Rate gpm gpm
Flow Rate cmd cmd
Flow Rate cms cms
Frequency Hz Hz
Frequency RPM RPM
Friction Factor fFactor Non-dimensional factor
GORGLR volume Ratio scf/STB scf/STB
GORGLR volume Ratio Mscf/STB Mscf/STB
GORGLR volume Ratio MMscf/STB MMscf/STB
GORGLR volume Ratio Sm3/Sm3 Sm^{3}/Sm^{3}
Gas FVF rcf/scf rcf/scf
Gas FVF rm3/sm3 Rm^{3}/Sm^{3}
Gas FVF rcf/Mscf rcf/Mscf
Gas FVF RB/scf RB/scf
Gas FVF RB/Mscf RB/Mscf
Gas Flow Rate MMscf/d MMscf/d
Gas Specific Gravity Sgg air=1
Gas Specific Gravity kg/m3atStandCond kg/m^{3}\ at\ STP
Gas Specific Gravity lb/ft3atStandCond lb/ft^{3}\ at\ STP
Geothermal Gradient degF/Ft \degree{F}/ft
Geothermal Gradient degC/Km \degree{C}/km
Head Hft Hft
Head Hmts Hmts
Heat Transfer Coefficient Btu (th)/d/ft2/degF Btu (th)/d/ft^{2}/^{\circ}F
Interfacial Tension dynes/cm dyne/cm
Interfacial Tension N/m N/m
Interfacial Tension mN/m mN/m
Interfacial Tension gram-force/cm gf/cm
Interfacial Tension pound-force/inch lbf/in
Interfacial Tension pound-mass/s^2 lbm/s^2
Isothermal Compressibility Pa^-1 Pa^{-1}
Isothermal Compressibility MPa^-1 MPa^{-1}
Isothermal Compressibility psia^-1 psia^{-1}
Isothermal Compressibility bar^-1 bar^{-1}
Isothermal Compressibility atm^-1 atm^{-1}
Kinematic Vicosity cSt cSt
Kinematic Vicosity SSU SSU
Liquid Gravity g g
Non Hydrocarbons Fraction MoleFraction mol\ fraction
Non Hydrocarbons Fraction VolumeFraction vol\ fraction
Non Hydrocarbons Fraction MolePercent mol%
Non Hydrocarbons Fraction VolumePercent vol%
OGRLGR volume Ratio STB/scf STB/scf
OGRLGR volume Ratio STB/Mscf STB/Mscf
OGRLGR volume Ratio STB/MMscf STB/MMscf
OGRLGR volume Ratio Sm3 Liquid/Sm3 Sm^{3}/Sm^{3}
Oil Gravity api \degree{API}
Oil Gravity sg_do water=1\ at\ 60\ \degree{F}
Pressure bar bar
Pressure Pa Pa
Pressure kPa kPa
Pressure MPa MPa
Pressure psia psia
Pressure psig psig
Pressure atm atm
Pressure Gradient psi/ft psi/ft
Pressure Gradient kPa/m kPa/m
Pressure Ratio Ppr Dmnl
Relative Roughness Non-dimensional roughness
Specific Heat kilojoule/kilogram/K kilojoule/kilogram/K
Specific Heat Btu (th)/pound/°F Btu (th)/pound/degF
Temperature degK K
Temperature degC \degree{C}
Temperature degF \degree{F}
Temperature degR \degree{R}
Temperature Ratio Tpr Dmnl
Thermal Conductivity watt/mt/K watt/mt/K
Thermal Conductivity Btu (th)/hour/foot/degF Btu (th)/hour/foot/degF
Thermal Conductivity Btu (th)/day/foot/degF Btu (th)/day/foot/degF
Time day d
Time h h
Time min min
Time sec seconds
Water Cut wc_p Undefined
Water Cut wc_f Undefined
Water Specific Gravity pwl_lb/ft3 lb/ft^{3}
Water Specific Gravity dissolvedSaltPercent wt%
Water Specific Gravity swsg water=1\ at\ 60\ \degree{F}
Water Specific Gravity dissolvedSaltPPM wt\ ppm
Water Specific Gravity mol_NaCl/Kg_H2O mol\ NaCl/kg\ H_2O
Water Specific Gravity g_NaCl/L g\ NaCl/L\ H_2O
Water Specific Gravity dissolvedSaltFraction Mass\ fraction\ NaCl
Wet Gas FVF RCF Gas/STB rcf/STB



Download the latest version of Aleph-w, available at: https://github.com/lrleon/Aleph-w

Download it in the directory of your preference. It is not necessary to compile this library.

The makefiles will search for an environment variable called ALEPHW, which could be defined as follows:

	ALEPHW = directory-where-alephw-is
	export $ALEPHW

These lines can be placed in the .bashrc file, so that each time a console is opened the variable is already defined.


For a distribution based on Debian it can be installed by executing:

	sudo apt-get install xutils-dev

For other distributions, follow the instructions available at: http://www.snake.net/software/imake-stuff/imake-faq.html#where-to-get

Generation of makefiles

The first time you download the sources, execute:

	$make Makefiles
	$make depend

The command make depend generates compilation "dependencies", which allow you to detect when the sources have to be recompiled.

Each time you add a new header file to the include directory, execute make depend.

Generation of executables

To generate all the executables, run:

  $make all


After compiling, the test executables are generated in the directory tests.

test-conversion : Basic converter, for a single source value. For more details consult the help system by executing the command:

   $ ./test-conversion --help


   $ ./test-conversion -S Fahrenheit -s 350 -T Celsius


-S : source unit
-s : value you need to convert
-T : target unit

vector-conversion : Advanced converter, for multiple source values. Convert a list of values with a single instruction. For more details consult the help system by executing the command: m by executing the command:

$ ./vector-conversion --help


./vector-conversion   -T Celsius -S Fahrenheit 350 365 380


-T : target unit
-S : source unit
values you need to convert

To list the physical quantities implemented in the unit converter, use the following command:

$./test-conversion -l


Software Architect and Lead Developer

Domain Driven Analyst and Designer

Developer and Tester


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details